Why is this NOT Front Page news in all national newspapers? Come forth Free Press, NY Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal et al! And, yes, PI will validate their evidence, and cooperate. Despite giving their pocket change to Trump by the millions to curry favor of EVIL, they have not been totally bought. We await their patriotic response as well.

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But not a word about access to HIPAA-protected medical files.

And Musk deciding unilaterally to dismantle USAID--which basically distributes all American foreign aid--is pretty shocking. The United States exerts influence internationally by means of carrot AND stick. The GOP seems to believe that the stick alone will suffice; in an era where China is wooing the Third World from our orbit to theirs with carrots.

Btw, the usaid.gov website just went dark.

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Thanks! (I didn't have time to look....)

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What the hell is going on at the NYT? I have read

that paper since 1956 when I started high school and read it on the train. Like the grownups. I love the paper BUT something is going on and I just can’t get my head around it ! 🤷

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Having the same problem with WAPO.

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We can all be vigilant (as a group...I can't read everything...).

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Late yesterday The New York Times finally DID put this information on their front page, and, acknowledging this action, I wrote to them that the public had been waiting, watching, and wondering.

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This is a coup. Full stop.

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"According to two members of OPM staff with direct knowledge, the Musk team running OPM has the ability to extract information from databases that store medical histories, personally identifiable information, workplace evaluations, and other private data. The staffers spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly and feared professional retaliation. Musk Watch also reviewed internal OPM correspondence confirming that expansive access to the database was provided to Musk associates.

The arrangement presents acute privacy and security risks, one of the OPM staffers said."

*** HIPAA violations!!!*** just speechless, as a healthcare provider.

And for anyone who has ever applied for a government job (this includes at the city, state and federal levels):

"USAJOBS, the federal government’s official hiring site, was one of the systems that Musk's associates were given access to. The database stores personal information — Social Security numbers, home addresses, employment records — provided by private individuals who have applied for federal jobs, regardless of whether the applicants went on to work for the government."

Completely gobsmacked... it was bad enough when I heard that his "engineer hackers" were recent college graduates, but to also have a couple of high school graduates???? Critical thinking skills don't even completely develop until humans are in their mid-late 20's.

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The most dangerous age group when you analyze crimes.

Who do you get to do things that should not be done? People without fully developed critical thinking skills, are more likely to be impulsive, easily led astray and who lack the experience to have ethical doubts. Ones who worship the tech billionaire and see this as a door to their futures.

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Contact your State Attorney General and ask him/her to file an emergency lawsuit and restraining order!

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I hope Musk has set those kids up for life, but even that might not be enough. Our enemies will find out who they are and set them up for blackmail. Can these kids resist PYT(Pretty Young Thing)!? I cannot believe the L&O Republicans aren't up in arms about this. If a Dem Admin lead this effort, the militias would be crawling all over Washington.

OTOH, the point of all this may be that our friends are no longer our friends and our enemies are no longer our enemies. Lots of Russiaphiles or Putinphiles in this administration.

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Isn’t the Musk operation illegal? Why is it being allowed to continue?

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It appears that the very entities that previously would have stopped them are now controlled by “them”.

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Exactly. And I’ll add that the Orange Felon’s fave president is Jackson.

“[Judge] John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it." The ruling affirmed the rights of Native American tribes.

Courts have no law enforcement arm.

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The recent developments involving Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) gaining unfettered access to sensitive federal databases pose significant national security risks. Reports indicate that Musk's associates, some with minimal experience, have been granted administrative privileges to systems containing personal information of millions of federal employees, including Social Security numbers, medical histories, and performance evaluations.

This unprecedented access not only jeopardizes the privacy of government personnel but also threatens the integrity of our nation's security infrastructure. The potential for misuse of such data is alarming, especially considering Musk's private sector interests and affiliations. Moreover, the recent outage of Sandia National Laboratories' website, a facility integral to our nuclear weapons program, storage, research and development of weapons systems raises further concerns about the safeguarding of critical information systems.

It's imperative to recognize that neither Elon Musk nor his associates have been elected by the American people. Their appointment to positions with such extensive access and influence circumvents the administrative and democratic process and lacks the accountability inherent in public service roles.

We must demand immediate action from our elected representatives to address this breach of trust and potential endangerment of national security. I urge all concerned citizens to contact Republican leaders in both the House and Senate, imploring them to prioritize the Constitution over party allegiance and hold those responsible accountable.

Contact Information:

Senator John Thune, Senate Majority Leader

Washington, D.C. Office

United States Senate SD-511

Washington, DC 20510

Phone: (202) 224-2321

Fax: (202) 228-5429

Toll-Free: 1-866-850-3855

Senator Thom Tillis

113 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20510

Phone: (202) 224-6342

Fax: (202) 228-2563

By voicing our concerns, we can uphold the principles of our democracy and ensure that our nation's security remains uncompromised.

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Thune knows that Trump "owes" Musk and Putin for their "help" to get him elected.

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Call your members of Congress immediately. FLOOD CONGRESS'S ZONE WITH CALLS AND EMAILS. Ask if Musk can access your bank account. Ask if he has your Social Security number. Ask if Social Security checks, veterans benefits, and Medicare payments will be paid this month.

This is a coup. We have to demand that it stop.

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So, the foxes have been given keys to the henhouse? Great stuff.

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Yeah I guess this isn’t as important as Hilary’s server or Hunter’s laptop.

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Past time we fight back against these maga MOFOs!!

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I have no words. I will contact my senators today but there’s probably nothing they can do.

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My two Democratic senators, Kaine and Warner, voted for Scott Bessent, who gave Musk permissions. I am beyond livid. And I am spreading the word to flood their phones today.

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Warner is also on the Senate Finance Committee which is directly responsible for oversight re: this.

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It is our elected officials duty to combat, take action, speak out!

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Which state? Mine are from NJ and courageous.

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Just looked up and Kim voted against conifming Bessent, Booker in favor. I'll be contacting Cory Booker!

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Chances are DOGE is looking for any blackmail data. Your representative may or may not be able to help.

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How can I access Alex Karp, a long time friend from their student days with Peter Theil, but who has an entirely different orientation and political point of view? Or, would you contact him and interview him? He also has the power of billions and enormous intelligence and innovative skills--would he use them on "our" behalf?

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Where is Congress in all of this?

Are the Republicans really going to let Musk et. al. do the reverse John Galt on America?

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There are no republicans only maga MOFOs!!

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More like potted plants

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Just as Felon47 stored classified docs in his MAL bathroom his co-president Musk shows utter disregard for regular folks sensitive info. This nightmare is just beginning

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No server review and authorization, no security checks for Musk and his inexperienced teen wizards. Unauthorized access to HIPPA data, bank account info for direct deposits. What could go wrong? Code read/write access. Trump doesn't know or care what Musk is doing. I guess that's the deal a quarter of a billion buys. We're all the involuntary audience and many of us could also be the victims of this coup.

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I have forwarded this message to activists I know. I will be at a protest at Treasury with Leah Greenberg and Ezra Klein of Indivisible tomorrow at 5:00 for anyone in the DC region. I will give them this article as well. I have also sent it to my Congressman, Jamie Raskin. We need to get this news out to as large a group as possible. Please forward the article to your Senators and Congressmen.

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I have a relative who works in the ranks of civil servants. I'm very worried about them even though they are not doing anything controversial.

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"Why is this NOT Front Page news in all national newspapers? Come forth Free Press, NY Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal et al!"

You know, we hope that you are right and they are not totally bought and owned. Perhaps a spark of patriotism survives.

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I sent an email to Senator Kaine’s office requesting he beat the shit out of these ridiculous MOFOs! I’m so f’n sick of the feckless reaction by the opposition but more pissed obviously with the MOFO magas working to destroy the American economy and our way of life. I’m in this to push back against all maga until my last breath.

Fiat currency remains our foundational issue! Everyone educate yourself on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT); start with Dr. Stephanie Kelton’s book, The Deficit Myth then immerse yourself in the MMT Podcast! I recommend Democrats write MMT into the DNC platform and write a strategy outlining all the programs and how resourcing them does NOT come @ the expense of taxpayers!

We must take this new stance or get f’d by the wealthy maga MOFOs lead by the First Felon of the United States (FFOTUS)!

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Please call - it's much more effective than email. And call Warner. They both voted to confirm Bessent, who is behind Musk's data breach.

Kaine: 202-224-4024

Warner: 202-224-2023

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If you say so but many of us are unable to reach the offices by phone. They also don’t pay attention to contact from outside the their state / district. They rely on email forms that collect your personal information and message.

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I was just going to say that. Many mailboxes are full and the phone lines are so full of static that they aren't usable. Let's face it, folks. They don't want to hear from us. 😠 😡

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Thank you so much!

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add Cory Booker: 202-224-3224

(usually on top of matters like this)

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DOGE was created without Congressional approval, which violates federal law. Why isn’t THAT front page news? And why hasn’t anyone tried to obtain an injunction? Musk might succeed eventually, but we shouldn’t make it easy for him.

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The fox is ruling the hen house now. Project 2025 was in hand well before the election, but that doesn't seem to have translated into preparedness.

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