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My mother was the victim of incest. An older brother started sexual activity with her when she was 5. Sexual activity leads to earlier menarche. My mother was a 4th grader when her periods started and she thought she was dying. A younger brother helped her stand up to the older brother and stop the incest when Mom was 12. She kept that secret until a conversation with me when I was working on my dissertation about highly gifted adults. For some reason, some of the stories from my subjects in my study made Mom tell me about her own experiences. Mom had mental health disorder that almost always has a start with early sexual interference, rape, or incest. It was called borderline personality disorder but has somehow been renamed. She was an emotional train wreck her entire life. And yet, she was brilliant and took me aside when I was a 4th grader and told me everything about sex. In the 1960s I’m not even sure where she got her information, but it was accurate, and kind, and she made it sound like a beautiful wonderful thing created between two people who loved each other. She explained the physical and the emotional. She talked about the different ways males and females think emotionally about sex. She told me about abstinence and birth control. She told me about demanding respect and partnership and waiting until both parties to sex were mature enough to know the pitfalls of being sexual too young. I easily taught my sons about sex and relationships. They lived I. World where the young women knew all about sex but didn’t know all about the advantages of waiting, about not jumping in so early that they were taking chances with not only their hearts but their health. I taught sex Ed in a public school to the sixth graders in the early 70s. I didn’t find it awkward and neither did the students. What’s going on in this country and world around sex is just plain ridiculous. This whole Desantis and right wing Christian approach to education is beyond dangerous. If they’d teach the truth about sex and relationships, they’d see fewer problems, not more.

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I'm so sorry about what your Mom endured. She sounds like a resilient and dynamic woman. To survive through what she did and provide you with comprehensive, accurate information, while describing the qualities on healthy relationships is a real testament to her.

I shudder when I see plans to remove accurate sexual education from schools. My parents didn't have "the talk" with me, just said what FL plans to: don't do it until you're married. The lever was the threat of them enforcing a shotgun union themselves in response to any pregnancy. That didn't give me information, though, and without junior high sex ed, everything I knew would have been from overhearing the "big kids" talking about it on the bus. Looks like many FL are about to get the same.

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