Yep, Adam. And the image they showed of him pulling this fire alarm was him at the door trying to enter. Is that where this fire alarm really is? At the outside door?
Plus, this bunch of Republicans have no room to talk. They have a child molester, Pedaphile, in the name of Matt Gaetz. They have a fraud, thief, and Lord knows what else, i…
Yep, Adam. And the image they showed of him pulling this fire alarm was him at the door trying to enter. Is that where this fire alarm really is? At the outside door?
Plus, this bunch of Republicans have no room to talk. They have a child molester, Pedaphile, in the name of Matt Gaetz. They have a fraud, thief, and Lord knows what else, in the name of George Santos (if that’s even his real name-questionable). They have a coup planner in the name of Marjorie Taylor Greene, another coup planner in the name of Lauren Boebert, who also likes to get felt up, and feel up her dates, in very public places while vaping her pipe.
Yep, this bunch of Republicans have a lot to generous of!
Yep, Adam. And the image they showed of him pulling this fire alarm was him at the door trying to enter. Is that where this fire alarm really is? At the outside door?
Plus, this bunch of Republicans have no room to talk. They have a child molester, Pedaphile, in the name of Matt Gaetz. They have a fraud, thief, and Lord knows what else, in the name of George Santos (if that’s even his real name-questionable). They have a coup planner in the name of Marjorie Taylor Greene, another coup planner in the name of Lauren Boebert, who also likes to get felt up, and feel up her dates, in very public places while vaping her pipe.
Yep, this bunch of Republicans have a lot to generous of!