Judd, I really appreciate your efforts in exposing all this horrific corruption and injustice. I live in NC and have been fighting back as best I can with other dedicated Dems but it is completely overwhelming. Thank you for helping us.

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Sounds like North Carolina beat Tennessee to this 'Gov Ops' secret police... wonder what states will follow suit? Very Nazi-like SS, starts small and grows big. Fun times. :(

"The Schutzstaffel (SS; also stylized as ᛋᛋ with Armanen runes; German pronunciation: [ˈʃʊtsˌʃtafl̩] ⓘ; lit. 'Protection Squadron') was a major paramilitary organization under Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in Nazi Germany, and later throughout German-occupied Europe during World War II.

It began with a small guard unit known as the Saal-Schutz ("Hall Security") made up of party volunteers to provide security for party meetings in Munich. In 1925, Heinrich Himmler joined the unit, which had by then been reformed and given its final name. Under his direction (1929–1945) it grew from a small paramilitary formation during the Weimar Republic to one of the most powerful organizations in Nazi Germany. From the time of the Nazi Party's rise to power until the regime's collapse in 1945, the SS was the foremost agency of security, mass surveillance, and state terrorism within Germany and German-occupied Europe."

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Our State is literally under attack from these Republicans. Where are all these “govt overreach” conservatives who claim Dems want too much control?! I’ll tell you where - listening to talk radio or sitting in front of Fox News on TV. They have no idea this is going on because Right wing news sources would never share this!

We’ve got to this word out! Moore is not running for re-election which should be a relief but now only means someone even worse will have a shot & he’s moving into some other nefarious strategic position.

I hope to goodness Marc Elias & crew will be suing, Several conservative states are working on similar initiatives around “secret” or specialized police & it’s part of their bigger plans to create a new SS.

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Judd, you have done it again. Pointed out where we the people have gotten slack, allowing yet another state to go total Authoritarian. Now, we have Florida, Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina.

I hope people look at this list and see the pattern here. All of these states are in total control of the GQP-Trumpublicans. All of these states have gerrymandered their voting to benefit the Republican Party. Most all of them now have gone total Authoritarian.

We THE PEOPLE need to wake up before they take total control of this nation!

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Fourth and Sixth Amendments be damned. Silly me, Repubs don’t read beyond the Second Amendment.

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Judd, this is the ALEC in action. FL, AR, already have laws such as this. We saw the former POTUS admin do much the same. There are a growing number of states that are conservative controlled doing this carbon copy type of legislation. ALEC is the driving force of the carefully constructed legislation toward autocracy.

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Every accusation a threat and every initiative not be trusted. These folks claim to love freedom while working diligently at making the suupposed freedoms they espouse quietly go away.

Vote Them Out. We have been warned. Again.

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So if this Moore guy decided that the 2024 election was fraudulent, they could seize the voting machines & conduct their own “audit”. The policies of Stalin, Lenin, Hitler & Mussolini have been resurrected in NC GOP. Someone needs to initiate a lawsuit to shut this down.

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Bravo, Judd! North Carolina is in real trouble. There are not so subtle shades of theAmerican Patriot Act here, especially in the provisions to maintain secrecy about investigations. One assumes the enemy in such cases is financial auditors, or those supporting the ideological opposition.

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These provisions closely follow the changes in law in Germany from 1934 to 1938. This will not end well. It is up to us to determine for whom it will end badly.

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I would think It is an illegal provision... for so many reasons. Those who authored and voted for it should be prosecuted for multiple Federal and State constitutional violations. It is not rocket science...basic and simple definition of fascist political activity usurping so many civil and legal rights of citizens and state employees, that it is a joke. A simple lawsuit with recovery of all legal fees being requested with punitive penalties for the authors and political supporters should be a slam dunk.

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Sieg Heil! The SS is coming for NC. Wake up people. It will be more than books burning if these modern day Storm Troopers aren’t stopped by overwhelming voter turnout. Thanks, Judd, for going where no legacy media reporter dares to tread.

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My first response is: that's Mark Meadows' state; and then, we were poised to win another 2020 Democrat Senate seat in NC...when the front runner was exposed for scandal of infidelity! [had to walk away over an hour ago and make some coffee and breakfast]

Thank you for uncovering these fascistic groundwork strategies in our Southern states. The PI readership can play an important part by alerting out team about possible illegal and corrupt behaviors. Such as... Judd might have been the first to bring the Tennessee Three issue into the news where eventually the mainstream media covered it widely. Tesnim and the team manage to ferret out important developments in North Carolina that threaten to unravel the amazing tapestry that our hardworking and brilliantly arguing Founding Fathers managed to leave us with. This article is an example of a story that Public Information comes up with to reveal what needs exposure if we are to clean up what can threaten our government's health.

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This is a truly disturbing piece. Thank you Judd for bringing it to light. Can you follow up with a piece on what efforts are being made to fight this? Has this budget been passed? Is anyone bringing a court challenge? How aware is the citizenry of NC that these provisions have been inserted into the budget? What can we do to help challenge the provisions? Thanks again. Excellent reporting.

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Surely there is a constitutional challenge to this overreaching law. I look forward to more info on this from Judd.

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The MAGATS currently dominating NC government will stop at nothing to turn our State into a totalitarian travesty. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I have contacted my Representative to see what I can do to help overturn this. Publicity is the first step.

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