We should just start referring to some of these companies as "the usual suspects." Am I disappointed that the likes of Bank of America, General Motors, Goldman Sachs, and Microsoft would support one or both of these candidates? Sure. Am I terribly surprised, though? No, I am not.

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Hope you don't mind if I air a grievance about General Motors...? We need to know about their moral compass. Recently, GM cut a widow's pension in half. I'm talking about a friend: she's one of those nonagenarians who can take care of herself, cook, clean, take care of her spoiled cat, and do everything except drive. To survive with this lack of income she has eliminated her TV, internet, and land line phone among other things. [and with our library closed, she can't go and read the NY Times and other materials everyday]

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Scrooge must be reborn at GM

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Thank you, Judd, for continuing to do intensive research so that you can speak truth to power. You're doing this for many of us. I've been trying to get through since early this morning to spread some good news: Georgia teenagers have mobilized voter registration for those turning 18 since November 3rd. They've picked up other unregistered voters along the way, and now have 65,000 newly registered voters who can vote in this coming election for Senators in Georgia! Most of these new voters are not influenced by these $5000 checks from Perdue and Loeffler supporters who "merely want to engage with people on all sides" of issues that concern them. Pow!

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Fantastic news. Great job. And wow to Stacey Abrams who is working hard for GA but America, too!

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