Find the money that paid off Kavanaugh's debts. I know you can do it! Good hunting.

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I want people to be as engaged and panicked as I am about voter suppression bills from the GQP. If we don't fix this, no election will ever matter because they will all be rigged which means no climate change, no infrastructure, nothing. It will become a regime dedicated to extremists of the Trumpicans. Rise up people and start organizing!!

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Jul 27, 2021Liked by Judd Legum

Judd, I’ve been a reader since almost the beginning of your column. I am always informed and feel better equipped to listen to other sources of news and info. I absorb what I read and hear, and I take the time to critically think and analyze what I have learned. You give me tools to help me in this analysis. You provide information I otherwise would not have known or would have learned of much later. I value what you offer. I cannot think of any particular topic I’d like to see you cover because what you cover is always of interest and value, whatever the topic. Thank you for what you do!

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Who funded the insurrection of January 6? You have taught us to follow the money. But, so far, I hVe seen very little written about who paid for the busses, airfare, coordination, the big rally ahead of storming the capital, the gallows, etc. etc.

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1) The 1/6 Commission and how it is (at best) being ignored by Fox News, als, or (more often) being disparaged.

2) The way the Mango Menace has actually increased his control over the Republican Party since the 1/6 insurrection and his departure from office.

3) Can the Democrats maintain control of the House and/or Senate in 2022--this is something that really, really worries me.

Thanks for all of your hard work, Judd!

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I have been following the trial of human rights and environmental lawyer Steven Donziger. He is now on his 700+ day of home detention in NYC for contempt of court for not turning over his laptop and cellphone to Chevron after leading a team of lawyers who won a $9,5billion settlement for the damage done in the Amazon in Ecuador. There are so many aspects of this trial that are jaw-dropping including the court appointing a private attorney to prosecute Donziger - an attorney who works at a firm that represents Chevron. mhttps://www.thenation.com/article/activism/a-new-justice-movement-emerges-to-defend-steven-donziger/

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Jul 27, 2021Liked by Judd Legum

First of all thanks for all your articles! I think the filibuster needs to be changed and probably dumped. I would like an article about how it has been used through out our nations history. I know about it being used to try and stop the civil rights Act . I know it did stop an anti lynching law. Some democrats believe it can be used to stop legislation that is bad when the Republicans are the Majority in the senate. Can you give us the full story , the good, bad and the ugly.

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This is dated, but nags me to this day. Can we find the translator’s notes from Mango’s meeting with Putin?

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Jul 27, 2021Liked by Judd Legum

Hey Judd, longtime reader, first time caller and all that -- I'm a nurse, and the delta variant -- and being forced to watch people die who don't have to, again -- is crushing our souls. We're experiencing a terrible labor shortage, and it's only going to get worse as basically everyone who can get out of nursing does, and 100% of nurses out there right now want another job. I've been reading this book -- https://books2read.com/yearofthenurse -- about PTSD and nurses from last year, and it explains everything coming up really well, as well as all of the reasons why.

I agree with the author, that we're gonna get hit with a wave of 'why aren't there enough nurses at the hospitals!' type articles in the next 4-6 months, and everyone's going to forget about how shitty our lives have bee for the last 1.5 years, and tell us we're 'lucky to have jobs!' as we keep having to be exposed, and re-exposed, and re-re-re-re-re-exposed to covid.

Any light you can shine on that now via your newsletter, or later, when it inevitable happens, is very welcome, thanks!

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The fact that our cable bills subsidize fox news (and by extension the destruction of America) bothers me deeply. There's petitions out there, but they strike me as pointless. What can I do to stop subsidizing white supremacist propaganda by simply paying my cable bill?

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Jul 27, 2021Liked by Judd Legum

I would love to see you turn your electron microscope upon Ron DiSantis and Ashley Moody and their apparently deep involvement in the coup conspiracy that burst through the surface on January 6th, but clearly continues through the machinery of the GOP in DC and in state legislatures they control around the country. The GOP always saw its perfect unity of interest with Trump's determination to shatter public confidence in our election as a smokescreen for trying to overthrow the legitimate outcome. And so GOP has continued to be utterly aggressive in pursuit of its aim of diffusing and reducing voter turnout, using Trump's lies as its excuse - you know this. But DiSantis was apparently making calls to other GOP AFTER the election but BEFORE the inauguration urging them to reject Biden electors in states Biden won, but with GOP state legislative majorities, and instead send "faithless electors" for Trump, elected by those state majorities in legislatures, to refuse to certify Biden's win. This was the plan. This was the coup. This was DiSantis's active complicity in it. Moreover, Moody pursued the same ends, corrupting her office to join in unprecedented lawsuits against other states' election methods in PA, AZ, MI, WI to throw out not ALL votes, but millions of votes conspicuously in majority Black districts. This too was part of the plan, the coup, and the individual complicity in sedition on the part of these people. I know you know this too. But we need it ALLLLL spread out on the table for everybody to gaze at and soak in, and I don't see much of that happening in recent months.

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The fossil fuel industry has been puppet-mastering the US government for as long as global climate talks have been held. This year, at COP26 in Glasgow, the stakes could not be higher. Climate policy proposals from the EU and the US are popping up, but will likely not retain any integrity or ambition throughout negotiations with governments, which are still heavily influenced by the industry that brought us the climate crisis. Will you follow the money to expose how oil and gas lobbyists are infiltrating what are arguably the most important international climate negotiations of our lifetime? (I'll be doing it too - let me know if you want to collaborate - media@corporateaccountability.org)

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Jul 27, 2021Liked by Judd Legum

You are doing great work - investigative journalism is hard to come by and it is good to see it again. I guess I would like to see the investigative stories trigger more activism (i.e. petitions supporting boycotts of particularly hypocritical companies, but I know that's not your job. I will think on it and maybe some of your followers will too. Good work!

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I would like a spotlight on the legislators (notably the Democrats) who are resistant to provisions in infrastructure legislation which facilitate the sort of dramatic changes we need to have a chance of meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement. We need to start pushing back en masse against fossil fuel industry propaganda and making a shift toward renewables/electric transportation.

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Also interested in Kavanaughs debts. This topic seems like it would be very much in your wheelhouse and he’s in the news again.

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Jul 27, 2021Liked by Judd Legum

Hi Judd,

I am a new subscribed to your platform and I want to commend you for the excellent work you have already done. My interest was peaked after your piece on Critical Race Theory. As a current Criminal Justice major CRT is important to me for many reasons. With that being said, I am deeply concerned about the negative narratives on CRT from people who really do not even understand the principals behind it. I would like to hear more from scholars who realize the value it has in modern day society and why the American public needs to rally behind it as strongly as those who have shown apposition to it.

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Jul 27, 2021Liked by Judd Legum

You have a keen eye for news that needs to be known. Keep up the excellent work. Stay well.

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Jul 27, 2021Liked by Judd Legum

Focus on the fuel... keep following and exposing the money. Toyota is good example. Shed light on PACsham. Giving to NRSC, RSLC ect.. equates to giving to Seditionist. That drum beat needs to continue until consumers are holding donors accountable.

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We have voter suppression, we have gerrymandering, we have 2 senators for each state regardless of the population of the state, we have lobbyists and huge money buying and selling our elected representatives in federal and state government at every level, we have corporations now considered 'citizens united'...and our politicians and our justices are incapable of bipartisanism. This is not democracy. I want us to be considering global warming as I think it is the most significant existential threat to life on earth but we can't even make it a priority across election cycles in our country without a functional democracy. We need more of what you've been doing Judd, we need more Judds.

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Hey Judd - I read you every day and you're one of the few sources that I trust for accurate information. I especially appreciate when you make corrections to articles after the fact. THAT is what accountability and true journalism looks like, thank you. What's the latest with Matt Gaetz? He has to be one of the most despicable people in government and it seems like his buddies in law enforcement and in other government positions have been covering for him his entire life. Why and how is this man still allowed to be a part of congress? I know he would never step down on his own because he's an evil man. The accusations against him were pretty severe and it seems like that story has just disappeared into thin air. Where do we stand on his many legal issues?

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Jul 27, 2021Liked by Judd Legum

I very much appreciate your dedication to following the money and truth involving political and corporate corruption.

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My funds are very limited; still, I find PI a great resource. Concise & well documented. Thanks!

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The successful mystification of the money-loop of the military-industrial complex.

In Vermont we have first-strike, nuclear Lockheed Martin F35 jets now based IN Burlington's civilian airport, and we can't get them out. Homes demolished for being in the high-decibel zone, mind-blowing take-off and landing decibels anytime from 9am to 10pm, and the p.r. mystification tells us it's "the sound of freedom", "jobs" (Bernie), and a "federal decision" (mayor, governor) (not true).

Is there a way to turn the focus onto decades of pure Lockheed Martin wealth lobbying behind the scenes?

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Jul 27, 2021Liked by Judd Legum

Climate change and disseminators of disinformation... for obvious reasons

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How will disinformation being spread by Fox OAN NewsMax and online be dealt with when so many are convinced that Falsehoods they've been fed are Truths...and so many are making a good living keeping fake news relevant ? Today the 1 / 6 Investigation begins...but there were 2 Impeachment hearings etc....where some very Patriotic Americans like Col Vindman....Ms Hill etc. testified ....which did not result in Impeachment since the GOP refused to Vote for it...How can we expect deluded Trump supporters etc...to suddenly see the light now...when they are still counting Votes and waiting for Trump's reinstallment as President and refuse to acknowledge Biden's win..???....Seems for too many deluded American Voters...their condition of delusion may be...permanent ?? It's the result of too much misinformation....diguised as...Truth....essentially Propaganda...and it seems to have worked to a great degree...unfortunately ! How will this be dealt with at this point of seeming no return ??

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Why not write about voter suppression relative to independents? We are not “swing voters,” we are fed up with the corruption of the two parties! So many Americans, especially younger voters, are no longer identifying with the DP or RP and for good reason! Why not include this in your reporting? Thank you.

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It disturbs me that people don't seem to have a sense of urgency about global heating. If we don't get the atmosphere under control, nothing else will matter - we'll be dead.

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Jul 27, 2021Liked by Judd Legum

Hi Judd,

I'm a huge fan of you work.

As a recent immigrant to the Silicon Valley who cannot vote yet, I always felt unrepresented. With your newsletter and the information you create, you empowered me (and all people like me!) to vote on a daily basis, by being more thoughtful about which companies I give my money to.

Deciding how to spend money based on your newsletter is incredibly empowering.

Having said that, I found it hard to keep track of all those corporations, and the products/brands they own over time. So a few months ago, me and a friend started building a tool to do that for us. We gave it to all our friends and so far they love it!

I'd love to hear your thoughts on how we could make it more useful, and make it easier for all people to take advantage of the information you expose.

The tool can be installed on Chrome from the link below. As users surf the web, it will automatically flag corporations that have supported bad causes and flag them:


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Jul 27, 2021Liked by Judd Legum

Hello, Judd, Just want to thank you for all your good work.

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I deeply appreciate the excellent work that you're doing. I'd like to see an in-depth investigation of the poisonous Tucker Carlson. Given his close ties with many leading Repugnicants, I can only assume there must be some financial corruption to be unearthed -- ideally something that would remove him from the airwaves.

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Judd, really value your work. I am constantly wondering what I can do that most effectively counters the chances of Mr Trump being elected again. Who do I support financially? What can I do?

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Mandate that everyone flying is fully vaccinated. More agencies do what the VA did - mandate all employees be fully vaccinated. Quit pandering to the unvaccinated racist trash in this country.

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Jul 27, 2021Liked by Judd Legum

Judd, You are a real gem. Thanks for the hard work.

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Jul 27, 2021Liked by Judd Legum

I am following the student loan pause and potential cancellation story. Since the most recently extended Covid forbearance period is set to expire in a few months, I have seen articles start to mention organizations and/or banks being unprepared to resume handling payments. I have been curious why this could be. After the search for justice for the seditious and corrupt actions of Trump and his many accomplices and the ongoing climate collapse, the student loan issue has what's left of my attention.

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Jul 27, 2021Liked by Judd Legum

I would like an investigation of the Inland Port set up and run by Utah State Legislature to the detriment of the city of Salt Lake and its people. They have taken over land and appointed special committee to run.

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Jul 27, 2021Liked by Judd Legum

Great work, overall. Keep going.

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Jul 27, 2021Liked by Judd Legum

You are wonderful. Thank you. Can pres. Biden make Election Day a holiday. That would take away a lot of obstacles. I don’t hear anyone suggesting this. Also, The press helped get

“Plump” elected. Why are they now giving him free time eveywhere. Cut him off.

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How do you see this attack on Roe v. Wade being played out? Is the landmark decision in danger of being overturned? If so, will it have an affect on the 2022 midterms that I'm worried about. Thanks!

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What can be done if Republicans actually begin to overturn elections, or attempt to re-install Trump as President? Does the country have existing checks on acts of insurrection like these?

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Jul 27, 2021Liked by Judd Legum

Because you’re so good at following the money may I suggest you tackle the HB 6 / Larry Householder / First Energy situation in Ohio. It has all the elements for a good story: bribery, new allegations of dark money, involvement at the highest levels of state government (who knows how far that involvement extends) and the highest levels at First Energy. Local news seems to be trying to get to the heart of the story, but Ohioans know there is so much more to uncover.

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I keep wondering who stands to gain by our recent involvement in both the Haitian and Cuban crises - it reminds me a great deal of our actions in Honduras, when Clinton dispatched her top crony to play her role in appeasing the oligarchs there.

Your work is amazing, sir. You are truly the best source out there for following the money!

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Why do people (persons) believe the Big Lie? I would like to know why some people cannot be dissuaded from the belief that the election was stolen. Maybe some interviews with ordinary people about why they can't give up the lie. I think it's the greatest (dangerous) mystery at this time.

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I would like more info about the economy around climate change. Is wind and solar progressing in a way that is adding to the economy. What about fossil fuels? Of course, the politics behind it but some hard reporting on if and how good sustainable energy is for the economy would be good.

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Following the money like you’re doing currently has become your niche. I’m interested in the money behind Kavanaugh and the Justice Kennedy retirement; what Trump’s benefits as TFG are and how he is spending; and Rupert Murdoch.

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I’d like to understand how anti-Vaxxers are organized and funded, who they are, and to figure out strategies for countering anti vax mythologies. Ditto climate change denialism—is this a single mythology (with offshoots) or are there multiple mythologies to be divided and conquered?

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Why weren’t any of those that staged the insurrection charged with treason and facing much longer sentences.

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I am curious as to why I've read very little about the big money arranged to be donated to Republicans by the Koch brothers and how that has been a big contributor to the corruption that has consumed the Republican Party, particularly at the national level. The Koch brother who is still alive stated, of course in a joking way, how he would like to destroy Washington D.C. by dragging it out into the ocean and drowning it: a quick way to get rid of all branches of our government that were created by The Founders.

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AnonymousJul 27, 2021

It's clear that Murdoch is attacking the very heart of America via his Fox and print channels. What can we truly do to wipe out his stock price? I've unplugged, don't watch Fox (even local), and have boycotted Fox advertisers when advertiser lists are posted.

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I would like contacts for the companies that have continued to support the Republicans who voted to overturn the election. Thank you for your hard work.

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I’m in the U.K. and I want to know how much American money is funding U.K. politics and anti-politics.

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