Now we know the Google angle on those GOP donations. Thanks Judd.

Steve Bannon is the diabolical Snidely Whiplash always tying freedom to the railroad tracks. I have felt Bannon remained closer to Trump WH than the MSM every followed. They are two peas in a pod. Bannon certainly meddled in Brazil and has in Italy.

These last ditch smear efforts worked on Hilary Clinton in 2016. When will there be a "Comey letter." That must be next.

The best reason behind early voting is it blows out the last minute BS. Must just tick off Trump to no end.

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Hey Cathy, may I paste your comment here on FB?

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Yes of course

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So let me get this straight: The organized crime family currently squatting in the White House, and which is employing family members in official White House positions, is accusing ANOTHER family of trying to profit off of the Presidency? REALLY? Argh, I hate this Orange Clown and his mindless, brainwashed supporters so much................

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Not to mention the classic projection about China - it’s the psycho in the Russian Annex who has been pursuing business in China for decades and has a secret bank account and paid hundreds of thousands more tax dollars to China than to the US. The corruption it burns

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I love the way Judd ended this newsletter. Btw. #BannonIsaCrook

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That no reporter wants their name attached to the Hunter Biden's e-mails story in an age in which traditional media are struggling and writers need all the exposure they can get is telling.

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Just to clarify; the ‘king of misinformation and conspiracy theories’ is out on bail spreading lies about the Bidens that will directly effect the election. Isn’t that why he was locked up in the first place? Great to see how well our penal system works for rich white guys. When are people going to WAKE UP and set things straight?

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I have been working with a voting rights group to monitor mis/disinformation; I have seen first hand how this story has spread like wildfire among Trump's mob. Every one of them is howling about how suppression of this story is proof that the election is rigged, and therefore the results will be invalid. Propagators include Mark Meadows, Keighleigh Mceighnany, Mike Huckabee, Jim Jordan, and others. When it ends in violence, who will be held responsible?

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Why, the democrats. If we hadn't messed with the system, there'd have been no reason to flood the streets and man the barricades.

I can't. I. Just. Can't.

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