If you could do a "deep dive" on the asinine decision by Speaker Greene--I mean, "Speaker" McCarthy--to release the 1/6 video footage to Tucker Carlson alone, and why no other media outlet is apparently challenging this, I would love to read it. Other than that, please keep up the fantastic reporting!

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Thanks. I have a couple of things I think about when I'm choosing a topic. First, is this something that is important? This suggestion clearly meets that. Second, is this something where I can add to existing coverage? This would be the challenge for this topic. I would like to do it, but need to figure out where I can add value.

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Understood completely, and thank you for responding!

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I agree. Why weren’t the video footage given to other news sources. Of course, we know what’s going on here. I can’t believe that this is allowed. Footage of an insurrection given to Fox News to cut and paste so it looks like a peaceful protest. Insanity!

Yes, fantastic reporting!

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Added value Q:

What protects these videos, now released to one outlet, from FOIA?

Who is sitting at a screen and reviewing them?

Where and how does this happen?

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Great questions!

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Any digging you can do into our scandalous health care system (or, more properly, "health" "care" "system"). and in particular the grift of health insurance corporations raking in millions while people go without care or face bankruptcy, I would be deeply appreciative. Like the proverbial boiled frogs, we have become so inured to the cruelty of our current way of providing health care that, like mass shootings, we no longer feel the outrage that should be engendered by such a morally bankrupt policy.

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I've dipped into piece of this from time to time: https://popular.info/p/why-arent-there-enough-hospital-beds

But there is certainly a lot more out there.

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Eric Rinehart and Gregg Gonsalves are excellent on this topic and offer hope for change. https://www.thenation.com/article/society/doctors-american-medicine-public-health/ ; https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/05/opinion/doctors-universal-health-care.html. E. Topol also led the charge for progressive, younger physicians to organize against the corporatization/monetization of medicine. Are we all game to do things differently, even if there's a bumpy start? I am.

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At the start of my career I was very active in the fight for universal health care and it seemed achievable then. That was 35 years ago. I can't share your optimism that change is likely in our current polarized political environment.

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Yes, this.

I crossed my fingers and did all the proactive things *while fully insured* knowing that we could not afford premiums AND the copays/deductibles that can come with bad health. Then I went on Medicare A/B plus supplement plus drug plan, which combined is still cheaper than “add spouse” employer insurance. Had one “welcome” visit with my GP and routine tests. Total OOP for 2022 was $226 even after I was diagnosed with (very) early breast cancer… one year earlier and I would have had to roll the dice and wait to turn 65 to treat it. WTF is this country?

I consider myself unbelievably lucky.


Also “all the things” kept me in great shape to fight whatever diagnosis so … start today, people. No joke.

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I am a double lung transplant recipient. Where would I be without insurance? The main anti-rejection medication I take is $7K per month. Another is $1K per WEEK!!!! Those are just 2 of the meds I take daily (with 1 exception taken 1x weekly). I have a list of roughly 19 types of pills to take daily.

The costs are astronomical and without insurance, I cannot afford to live.

Think on that a moment. I'll be 63 this year.

This just in! My prescruiption for Trulicity has been approved. So now they will pay an additional $1K per week or $52K per year for one of many meds. I am grateful but you see how the money spins round?

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There’s only one 100% accurate answer to that question and that is Medicare for all and keep all the private insurance companies out of it. We can hire their people to our local Medicare offices to process claims but no executives— no multi million dollar bonuses and healthcare will be cheaper for everybody, and everybody will be in — nobody left out!

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This is dumb, but I just got a 90 day supply of medicine. 25 co-pay. They 30 day supply is 5 dollars but they only let me get it twice. I looked on mark cubans cost + drugs a 90 day supply is 6.60 with a 15% profit. They make money on the co pay then charge more. Wow

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Feb 27, 2023
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You want me to call?

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Florida is limiting Capitol demonstrations to those “aligned” with state (DeSantis) missions. Another suppression of First Amendment rights

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Greg Abbot going around the state of Texas talking to communities about “education accounts” and diverting tax payer money to parents who want “school choice “ and using that money towards private schools because, he claims, public schools are teaching woke ideology and indoctrinating children. (total BS)

This will have devastating consequences for our public schools especially in rural areas of the state. I want to know “what’s the end game”of this horrible idea. Besides the fact that it came from Dan Patrick.

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Endgame=idiocracy? It's a well known fact that it is easier to take money from poor folks because they can't afford to pricey lawyers and such with which to protect themselves. That's why payday loan stores continue to get over.

Well, what if we ALL were poor?

I'm watching the Cook County Oppressor (office of the assessor) decimate business all across Cook County here in Illinois and I too wonder just what the "end-game" is.

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There is a "news service" here in Florida that distributes suspiciously sanitized news about Florida government. It's called the The News Service of Florida (https://www.newsserviceflorida.com) and its output is distinctly unbalance and incomplete. They bill themselves as "Independent and Indispensable". It would be great to know what forces are behind this news organization, and why Democratic voices are diminished in their stories because they are widely distributed throughout the state of FL and beyond in all the Gannett papers, as well as others.

Your work is amazing. Thank you!!

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I second Ian Mark Sirota. McCarty’s decision to release such information to the biggest conman of fox is beyond belief. And having our regular, mainstream channels playing dumb is so unacceptable.

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I am frustrated by major advertiser support of Fox News and its lies. I am also fascinated that Biden can go to Ukraine to defend democracy while meanwhile insurrectionists here at home continue in power. About this latter item, I think one thing that exacerbates the growth of anti-democracy forces here in the US is how long it is taking to prosecute the higher ups responsible for planning and encouraging the attack. Why does it take so long to obtain justice? Is it too late now? Finally, one thing I believe that contributes to how corrosive social media have become is that anonymous participation is tolerated. I know there are arguments pro and con for allowing online anonymity (http://www.ddmcd.com/managing-technology/anonymous) but these days you can't tell the difference online between a Republicon commenting and a Russian sympathizer!

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Yes, the merger of the GOP and Russian Federation. It's not all about T* anymore.

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Politics in Ohio is as corrupt and despicable as it is in Florida. Can you shine the national spotlight on the Ohio legislature and all they are trying to get away with and have gotten away with — the chicken bill, the heart beat bill, the HB 6 scandal. What’s driving these folks who are supposed to be serving the people? We need someone with experience and a proven track record to follow the money.

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Thanks, Andrea. I cannot believe how the state legislature has grown into the self righteous Right. I begrudgingly gave Governor DeWine so much credit for his handling of Covid and his fierce support for Dr. Amy. But alas, this too has passed.

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I would like to see this as well.

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I would like to see an investigation of the Insurance industry, Auto to be specific. I got my renewal notice last month and it went up 25%! I did an online chat and was told that I needed to understand that I have to help pay for the people who have accidents and drive recklessly! So much for "safe driver" discounts I was getting?! I was also told that I needed to understand that my premiums don't go into some kind of pool of money that is saved. No! My money pays for other people's accidents and when it's all gone, I have to pay more! I thought it was a joke, but she was serious! I get a strong feeling that the stockholders saw some big payouts, and the CEOs got really nice Xmas bonuses.

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Before all the auto ins prices went up, I remember seeing how many people lost their vehicles due to flooding, hurricanes, and fires. I knew the costs would HAVE to rise.

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Yes, all that. And there have been an enormous number of claims for burned or flooded vehicles due to climate change super storms and super fires.

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Thank you for everything you have been doing with respect to education, a beat that too many news organizations continue to sideline despite how important it is to our democracy. I will echo Rachel from TX's thought that the ESAs (education savings accounts), vouchers, and other methods being pushed to drain funds from public schools are ripe for expose. The potential for fraud is enormous.

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The best sources I know on this topic are Josh Cowen at MSU, Jennifer Berkshire, and Peter Greene. Not sure if you were trying to contact me. If so, happy to talk, though these folks are infinitely more knowledgable on this topic. - A

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MS legislature changing how city of Jackson people get to vote

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Recently wrote this: https://popular.info/p/apartheid-in-jackson-mississippi

Not sure if that's what you are referring to.

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Helps for you (or someone) to point out that a full article can be found in your archives.

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Hello Judd. Yessir. That is EXACTLY what I refer to in my comment.

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Or if they even can?

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My comment is generic to any story -- follow the money. I SO appreciate the good work your small team is doing. And follow the money, follow the money, follow the money! Who is PAYING for all these anti-LGBTQ+ attacks? Who is PAYING for the assault on our educational system? etc. Per the investigation of the insurrection, the people I MOST want to see held accountable were the people paying to make it happen, not just the little pawns. We will always play whack a mole until we uncover the money behind these anti-democratic efforts.

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I'm curious why the seperation of state and church has eroded so much and so quickly and importantly, how we can restore and maintain the DMV between the two. One is based on the rule of law and the other is open to wild interpretation, misogeny, and whimsy.

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Why is there a “In God we trust” in e3very courtroom and on every coin and denomination of paper money?

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In the beginning there was the word. When anyone seeks to stop the word in a public venue where may youth have the only chance of learning we should call it by its name. AUTHORITARIAN FASCISM.

The first thing a ny dictator goes for is the MEANS OF information and the means of education. with malevolence disguised as benevolence. Always in the name of "protecting the children," who might be better protected by a school that teaches how to think rather than indoctrinating them in what to think.

Better to have youth be protected by Medicare for All.

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Couldn’t have put it better!

Living in Florida with DeSatan at the helm is so agonizing as we are faced with more and more Repug agenda to squelch knowledge and keep our children dumbed down by autocratic fake Christian values.

Please let’s not allow the freedom to speak out and defend our rights to protest against such such Repugnant attempts to steal our voices!

It is indeed Authoritarian Fascism. No doubt!

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As an extension of curriculum banning, I wonder if schools/universities in red states will ban student organizations. An obvious one would be LBGTQ clubs, but, with their rational, why not anything related to DEI, such as African American student groups, for example.

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This morning's NYT newsletter focuses on Republican presidential candidates, making it seem the DeSantis is inevitable. Whether or not he's inevitable, he's a front-runner -- and I'd like to see a follow-the-money investigation of him. Maybe start with the millions of FL taxpayer money that he spent on a private, politically-connected charter airline to take 48 people from Texas to Martha's Vineyard--and what happens with the $12 million the FL legislature just appropriated for more such stunts. What no-bid contracts with what political connections?

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He recently collected several million dollar plus donations to his PAC. Thinking about diving into it.

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We hear how millions are donated to political parties/PACS/individuals. What I have not seen is how the money is actually spent. Can we see who is benefiting after the money is donated? If millions are donated, then used to help elect someone or influence legislation, how is it being used? Who benefits? Where is it going?

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Why won’t republicans relent on serious gun safety laws like universal background checks? Especially considering that the NRA is politically and financially bankrupt? Even republican voters favor gun safety legislation.

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With the Supreme Court hearing cases surrounding section 230 protection of social media companies, i’d like to see a summary/update of what legislation has been proposed to fix it and donations to legislators

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Please discuss raising the debt limit! In Trump era it was raised 3 times and republicans had no issues then, why now?

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It’s a bargaining chip. Republicans didn’t need it w Trump bc they had everything they wanted. Now they want to sunset or reduce or privatize SS & Medicare benefits. Let’s hope Biden and Dems won’t back down.

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I third Ian Mark Sirota. When I first heard that Speaker McKitty had handed over thousands of hours of footage to not the entire media pool but Fox Newz, the worst offender of them all, I just couldn't believe it. Had to be a classic example of "fake newz." But I soon found that I was wrong. Talk about weaponization.

Can you imagine what we'll be seeing soon, as manipulated, misrepresented videos hit our screens and the bone heads start their boneheaded chants? "Stop the steal" becomes "The Big Reveal" or some such nonsense.

I'd like to weaponize a baseball bat and show those foolish, criminal, reckless, idiotic mopes how to really play hardball!

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I would like to better understand the growing practice of airlines to repeatedly change flights after purchase. I was understanding after covid that airlines needed to adjust schedules to fill planes. Now, however, I spend hours looking for a good flight and good deal only to be told a couple months later that it is changed. Usually these changes are pretty impactful such as going from a day flight to a red eye or adding extra stops. It doesn't seem to matter which airline I choose or how I buy my ticket. I'd like to know if the consumer protection agency has anything to say about people being sold something they don't actually get (or the bait and switch). Airline travel is up as well as profits. Why can't they get this back to how it used to be? Thanks!

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My only comment in response is that this is no different than it "used to be". Airlines sometimes change their schedules, and if you book much in advance you can be affected. You don't have to take the option the automated system gives you, you can ask for something else, or get a refund.

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I guess you have different experiences than me. I can certainly believe airlines changed their flights in the past. However, I have been flying for about 30 years. Usually 4-5 times per year. And pre-covid I never, not even one time, had my flight changed for anything other than weather (or that one large Delta outage around 2018). Since covid, I have flown 7 times and 6 of them had parts of my flight canceled or changed. The one that didn't was booked the farthest out. Anecdotally my friends and family report similar things. I can only speak to my experiences and bring it up here as an issue that may warrant a closer look. I appreciate your thoughts but I am already aware of my options regarding refunds or different flights.

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I'm only talking about knowledge of the industry, not a personal accounting.

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Would love a deep dive into who is behind the anti-war push to force Ukraine to negotiate with Putin.

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I am a peace activist, and I am one of those who calls for negotiations. I would like to see a deep dive into why the so-called"'defense" budget is rising so fast. The present level is $782 billion (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_budget_of_the_United_States), a huge increase over what was being spent under Trump. NATO expansion by both Dems and Repubs was a factor in why Russia invaded Ukraine, along with placement of U.S. nukes and anti-missile systems in Eastern Europe. (This does NOT justify what Russia did.) The U.S. and Britain discouraged Zelenskyy from negotiating back in March/April of 2022 after he put forward a peace plan. Code Pink is a reliable source of information on this.

There is a media campaign to raise your awareness of the Ukraine war, but there is no similar campaign to raise your awareness of wars in Syria (now that the U.S. is less involved) or Cameroon, or Congo, which are just as deadly.

The risk of nuclear war by accident is heightened because of the Ukraine war. We are courting a catastrophe that could kill up to 5 billion human beings by placing Ukraine sovereignty as an absolute value. (Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War is a good source for confirming this.) Just a few years ago Iraqi sovereignty, Libyan sovereignty, and the sovereignty of many other nations meant nothing to the U.S. -- and it still doesn't.

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Perspective: this is about the sovereignty of the U.S.A.

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How so?

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How far behind? Putin, of course, and his mouthpieces.

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Judd, please keep up the good work.

I regret I can't afford a paid subscription at this time.

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Could you please have a look at the lies being told about Offshore Wind? Sadly only the right has taken up this cause because my Dem politicians are silenced by the accelerated carbon neutral agenda. Whales are dying due to sonar blasting ongoing since 2015. People who cherish the ocean are being called Big Oil right wing animal activists bc we are challenging the agenda of Big Wind (which is also Big Oil & Big Energy, look up the firms). There is very little evidence that Offshore Wind is worth the risk to the ocean. Stories are suppressed, data and science are being ignored because my environmentalist friends are so desperate to address climate change they are grasping at straws. The risks to our ocean environment are massive and the Big Wind investors and the Dems who are fast tracking this agenda are ignoring these long term risks in pursuit of a short term agenda. Big Wind does very little to mitigate risks of climate change but could irreparably harm our ocean which plays a huge role in mitigating risks of climate change. Things are not as they seem and Big Wind is “donating” to many environmentalists to silence them as well. Please dig deeper. Thank you.

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This is misinformation pushed by the fossil fuel industry and dark money groups-I recommend you read the newsletter “heated” which exposes some of the funding and the groups connected to it.

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Link, please.

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You already have enough on your plate.I appreciate your independence from major narratives already covered elsewhere. BTW, this week’s slurs on Buttigeg as Transportation Sec are no doubt related to the continuing anti-Left attacks on the LGBTQ community. Here in NC as a retired Professor, I am witnessing the slow dismantling of our formerly stellar system of public higher education.

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You think David Sirota and The Lever are anti-Left and anti-LGBTQ??

Please do your homework.

Being a gay appointee shouldn't grant Buttigieg immunity from criticism, and I say that as a member of the queer community.

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Not at all. I did not name names.

I do not give members of the gay community a pass, but there is a world of difference between Buttigeg and Santos, for example. I am also a member of the queer community.

Are you a teacher? I am a retired Professor.

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So many topics to cover….On the subject of healthcare, aside from the privatized regime we have, there is also a huge gap in support of seniors who need supervised care but who are not best served by a nursing home (and those are a whole other story…). Medicare does not cover any long term care and few memory care assisted living facilities accept state Medicaid waivers, and even for those that do there is little accountability for available beds. Seniors without financial resources, which is the majority of seniors, are often forced into a nursing home where they languish and deteriorate.

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I don't disagree with the need to do an investigation of all the forces impacting health care for seniors, but I think our ongoing national animus toward nursing homes is based on perceptions shaped by the scandals of several decades ago. Yes, there are still some bad ones, but the majority of nursing homes, in my experience (I am a health care professional as well as the son of parents who both died in nursing homes) are wonderful, clean, caring places where seniors get excellent care and are not neglected.

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The level of care and condition of the senior home is directly impacted by the resources available to the individual or family. Average cost is about $4K monthly for "adequate" care. Good care or better? $6-$10K monthly and up.

Based on my experience as primary caregiver for both father and mother who died in senior homes, both of whom were woefully unprepared and had not attended to their affairs or made any plans at all nor would listen to suggestions or advice deeming them to be "negative and superstitious."

So I had to scramble, learn on the fly and the picture was not at all rosy. Your beloved senior bellowing as you walk away, visiting hours over, this being their first night in a strange place that is not their home, but they can no longer safely live at home. You know this but they can't understand. "I feel alright now, why can't I go home?" And you know that they NEVER will!!!! Dementia is a horrible cursed disease.

One of my oldest friends recently went thru the same ordeal with HIS mother. Scrambling with no help from siblings and no experience with all of this. I was able to inform him and assist him. She spiraled down quickly however, unlike my mother, who persisted for years.

That is luck of a sort. If you've been thru all of this, you know what I mean.

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Is there anyway to report on successful methods being employed around the country to thwart the political and corporate corruption that is taking the US down the rabbit hole? It is one thing, admittedly, an important activity, to report on the details of all the corrupt and unfair abuses... but it would seem just as important to present concrete evidence/reporting of positive and successful programs combating these problems which can be utilized by those of us in the choir.

We/us/I, don't have the resources or time in most cases to do so. We could use some information on passively active, grass roots solutions, that have proven successful. This would be reporting on "news" of successful take downs, reclaiming common sense humanitarians concerns with positive outcomes. We pretty much know the problems and... I have to believe there are successful grass root solutions...we just don't know what they are or how best to employ them possibly?

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Great comment. I would direct you to the group "Check my Ads" which has exposed the fraud in the online ad business and how it is used to fund the RW, (people like Steve Bannon and RW media like Brietbart)

They don't just 'Follow the money" they get the money spigot turned off!

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I know I've added a few comments over the last year or so about the GOP legislature in Missouri, and it's received some national coverage, but the fact that the Missouri GOP (which has a super majority AND (for the first time since the civil war) holds every major office in the state) has pre-filed more anti-LGBTQ laws than any other state and a "Don't Say Gay" bill that rivals Florida in cruelty AND has successfully taken state control of Kansas City's police force, and is attempting to do the same to the St. Louis police force, feels like it should have just as much if not more coverage than Florida is getting.

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Thanks so much for your important work!

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Thanks for all you do Judd! Many here are concerned about the City of Cincinnati rushing to sell Northfork Southern our railway. Even post derailment, and water contamination concerns, it is moving fast. https://www.fox19.com/2023/02/21/cincinnatis-16-billion-railway-sale-norfolk-southern-is-moving-fast-despite-derailment/

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I live in Dixon, Illinois which was the boyhood home of Ronald Reagan. The boyhood home was purchased about 3 years ago by the Young America's Foundation, a right wing organizaton targeting high school and college students in an effort to radicalize them against the LGBTQ community. They have been active in library board meetings in an effort to ban and sometimes burn books in the library's collection. In a public library board meeting, the Director of YAF called the American Library Association a Marxist organization. Now two staff members of YAF are running for elected office in our area: one for Dixon School Board and one for mayor of Sterling Illinois. They have the full support of the local Republican Party (this is Kinzinger's old district), and the "Freedom Fighters" who are the official MAGA group. I would love to see some investigation of Young America's Foundation both here and in California, where they own the Reagan Ranch.

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Can you find a connection between the attacks on abortion and the proliferation of child labor? I think the right is looking for more low wage workers who are birthed by low wage mothers.

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There is a lot going on with child labor. I don't have any evidence there is a connection to abortion politics but it's likely something we'll cover in the future.

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I too want to know how McCarthy was able to release the 1/6 tapes and if there could be any repercussions for him; did he break any laws; how big a security risk is this? How would we know if Fox tampers with them?

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The erosion of norms by the Republicans is a severely destablilizing force. As Speaker, is McCarthy allowed to do this? Sadly, I suspect the answer is yes. Prior to our current era the norms that informally ruled such behavior would have prevented this from happening, but these have simply been swept away. So much of our current governance structure needs to be overhauled if we cannot depend on our "leaders" to curb their worst impulses and petty paybacks.

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Release of Former Guy tax records makes clear that our arcane tax laws are badly skewed in favor of the fortunate wealthy. A Fair and simple income tax is easy: treat all income as ordinary income no matter how derived. No special treatment of capital gains, inherited income, no 'carried interest'. Preserve deductions for medical expenses and state & local taxes. Apply steeply progressive tax schedules to raise the revenue necessary to promote general welfare! And everyone could easily figure out what their tax liability is without hiring expensive accountants.

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Wondering if anyone, including DNC, is capitalizing on the news of manipulation at FOX to present false info on 2020 (stolen) election while their own staff believed otherwise. What will be the impact on FOX (News) should Dominion win their case?

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Well, they might owe $1 billion+

But will it really change their approach to news on a day to day basis?


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After reading Mr. Legum's coverage of Florida banned books, I read The Best Man by Richard Peck. Comments for banning suggested it was pornographic, which was rather surprising since Peck is an author my children enjoyed in their youth. I can say there was nothing to support the banning of this book. The only nudity mentioned was by the 6th-7th grade protagonist recounting an embarrassing event spliting his pants before being the ring-bearer in a wedding when he was 6 years old. There was no description of the child's body except that he was too large for the short velvet pants he was required to wear. The reviewer was also offended that the protagonist seemed to more favorably describe the wedding of two men (which included a favorite uncle and a favorite teacher) in which he was a best man and wore a designer suit, than the heterosexual wedding during which he split his pants when forced to wear what he described as toddler shorts. Absolute nonsense. The book has nothing objectionable in it for any age.

It's unconscionable that DeSantis is expending taxpayer dollars on this ridiculousness when there are serious issues facing his state including long time student learning declines, opiod/drug epidemic, homelessness, housing and food affordability, gun violence, mental health crisis, etc. I can only assume he's hoping people will pay attention to his book nonsense instead of his deficiencies in governing his state.

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News coverage of the bias of the Supreme Court has been fragmented. I would enjoy a well documented analysis of the SC's bias and activism in creating law.

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Hey Judd, keep up the great work. There are not many around that are not captured by the oligarchy.

Can you follow the money, comparing the US government's annual subsidies to corporations vs amount spent on welfare? I'm trying to convince people to not hate their neighbor, and realize the enemy is the gov't and corp power structure. I feel sure that much more in tax $ goes to the military industrial complex, corp giveaways & subsidies than is ever spent on social support systems.

I'm trying to convince people on the ground that "the system" creates the inequities that befall the bulk of the unfortunate in our society, instead of the "they're just lazy" narrative that's so prevalent around here.

Our gov't reps have completely abdicated their responsibilities to the electorate. We've effectively had "taxation without representation" my entire life.

Thanks again for what you do Judd. It has a huge impact.

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Here is something that I wrote attempting to quantify how much corruption takes from the average family. It's 3-4 years old: https://www.getmoneyoutmd.org/corruption

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Thank you for that Charlie, and the work you put in to create it. The fact that there are people out there doing what you are doing, as well as folks following Judd gives me some kind of hope.

I'm going to further explore the GMOM site, and encourage anyone reading this to do the same. Hopefully we can all change some minds... -James

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I find myself wondering if the Georgia foreperson who is talking about the Grand Jury is being paid something by someone to screw up the trial. And being paid to have a media tour. Can you find out?

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One possibly helpful comment came from Nick Ackerman--he saw no problem with what she said or the way she said it. He was on Ari Melber several times, and is consistent on this. He indicates that this information IS out there. We WERE told there would be indictments (in the plural). He was one of the very young lawyers involved in the Watergate hearings.

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Yes, something fishy here.

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Police unions seem to be part of the problem in getting police reform. What are the rules and laws around being able to join a union? any way non police can join the union? even if it takes lawsuit? then an organized effort could put enough people into the union to vote for police reform issues?

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If you aren't a police officer, you aren't going to be able to join a police union.

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GA has a law that allows the incumbent (R) governor to establish a committee to raise unlimited campaign contributions but which only allows the opposition party to do the same when they have won a primary election. So the recently-elected R governor has a vehicle to raise unlimited funds for 3 yrs in an asymmetric way. (This law would clearly be revoked in a special session if/when a D were to win the governor's race.) Is this a prototype of a new asymmetry in political fundraising that should draw more attention or violates any existing rules, in our Citizens United dystopia?

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Here is a link to the law you are explaining. The Governor can raise these funds now. An opponent from a different party would only have a few weeks or months between the primary and general elections. https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2021/08/georgia-campaign-finance-law-allow-candidates-collect-unlimited-cash/

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Could you could expand your reporting on book banning and school instruction, including CRT and LGBTQ subjects in other states besides Florida? I live in Georgia and what I see as 'their indoctrination' is hitting our classrooms and libraries hard. I'm certain it is creeping into classrooms around the US.

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Judd, you’re distinct because you follow the money and you expose oppression, both areas the normalized media ignore or cover quickly. Your focus on Florida is smart and you’ve hit a lot of nerves. I’d say keep your attention there, and add more about what people are doing to fight back. Sunlight is pivotal, but the only way anything changes in Florida, or anywhere else, is if citizens are taking action to make it happen.

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Sad but true. Being a keyboard warrior does nothing. We must support the people doing good work, beiinning with the ACLU. Then get involved with a local group. Indivisible, Swing Left as examples. Otherwise watch Democracy slip away.

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It’s been done before, but I think it’s very effective to have the amount of money the NRA gives to any given politician when that politician says something or votes, or takes a position on gun control. I think it should be in parentheses after their name , is the list available somewhere? I know I’ve seen it. I think it would be an easy topic for letters to the editor for each of us in our local area to publish that fact, after each of the continuing mass shootings. Thanks for all that you do.

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GOP Rep. Barry Moore Wants AR-15 as 'National Gun of America'

Please tell me how we can have people like this in leadership positions. What has happened to morals, intelligent adult behavior, and Constitutional knowledge.

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Agree on the deep dive into McCarthy's release of video material and would like to see a deep dive into the trend for mega health care mergers, such as Sanford and Fairview in Minnesota and SD, rural healthcare is changing quickly and access seems problematic.

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It seems we are so bent on the idea that we are now beyond Covid, that attempts to normalize our lives ignore the gap created in the schooling of those young children who began school in kindergarten of that year. This year was the first “normal” year for current third graders (not even having to wear masks.) How will the measurable learning deficit impact our obsession with scores and competition? Will ChatGPT become a default for students? If so, can teachers use ChatGPT as a tool for analysis as to what could make the writing more rich with nuance to enhance the rather stilted writing style of ChatGPT?

Further, the impact Covid challenges had on teachers in public schools coinciding with the rise in far right conservative views on teacher censorship have caused many to leave the profession. What will the state of public education be in America in the coming decade? Who are the individuals who would want to teach?

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I would like to see more frequent updates as to what companies still give money to election deniers in Congress. That info informs my purchasing decisions. I also like to call them out on LinkedIn when there is a Popular Info article that is shareable.

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JUST DO WHAT FINLAND HAS DONE ! I will keep repeating this, hoping it will become a meme. In 2016 Finland began teaching internet literacy in their schools. From 2nd grade through college. It has worked extremely well for them in allowing their citizenry to differentiate between what is and what is not a fact. We should demand this in our public schools. New Jersey has instituted a K-12 literacy program. All states should be doing this.

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More attention should be paid to the attack on democracy through the undermining of public education with vouchers. These benefit the wealthy at the expense of society.

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