Now, why would "77% of Americans 'believe there is more crime in the U.S. than a year ago'"? Fox News? Who is the generator? Steven Miller (the man who despises all races)? Whoever is involved in these distortions should be held to account and sued for slander--is that even possible? Is there no billionaire who cares about this hatred generated against all Central Americans? Outright lying and defamation of character can not be free speech. This issue (lying vs free speech) affects many areas of our poorly informed and mis-informed populace. Thank you Judd and Tesnim for this gathering of facts and truth.

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"Now, why would "77% of Americans 'believe there is more crime in the U.S. than a year ago'"

Lies, damned lies, more lies, complicent media, lack of concerted pushback to the lies and distortions? Hell, I don't know.

It's amazing to me that so many look at the pile of dreck that is the nominee of the RNC and say "that's MY leader!"

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As Adam says, lies, “damned lies and more lies” reinforced by any report of a crime. The GOP has long relied on scaring their others with specters of crime and crime waves. People react emotionally not logically.

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And that Valerie is correct.

Sue for slander. Every license bring a suit against it. Clean it up you phony Christian liars!

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The fact that so many like your comment is proof that your coastal and big city liberals live in a gated community bubble and are out of touch.

Just ask Adam Schiff... the empty suit without his suit.

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😂 As usual, zero substance and a lot of hot air.

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I'm quite a different ilk. For example, in 1970 something I was given a solar oven by an inventor (who approached the UN with an MIT professor to promote solar), and learned how to grow, cook and live healthfully out in the countryside. Today I rent part of a really old barn with a cold damp floor (no basement), and allthough I've worked with and taught many people, I do not even know anyone in a gated community--oops, oh yes my son's mother in law, in an over 55 gated place. Why do you have such bitterness?

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May 1Edited

Awww! Look. That's so key-yoot! Litte Fwankie wanth attention?

"The fact that so many like your comment"

Oh yes him DOES! Little Fwankie wanth ATTENTION and him want it BAD!!!

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The point was the bubble groupthink tendency of weak and needy people like yourself. If I wanted likes I would do like you and only subscribe and comment in places where everyone told me how right I was.

I don't need any attention as I am already your master. You are a punk.

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May 1Edited

Every accusation a confession eh Frank? You're a really effed up dude. Why do you hang around here if the atmosphere is so odious to you? WE don't need YOU.

PS: The punk you see is YOU in the mirror.

PPS: The reason you claim to not care about "likes" is that NOBODY likes YOU anyway Frank. You're just beating the workd to the punch on that one.

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Trump himself is a crime wave which reminds me that projection is one of his best skills. Congressional election deniers and Jan. 6 participants much more dangerous to Americans than an illegal immigrant. That almost 1 billion dollar loss to Dominion didn't slow down Fox.

I have no faith in Gallop or any polls as the % of voters polled is low like .00065 of # of 2020 voters and mostly land line holders, old people probably. Since I started voting in 1976, never been polled.

Every night I am seeing commercials starring Sen. Rand Paul defending Rep. Bob Good of VA on his stance on everything conservative including the border. An arm with a rifle strides through at the end which seems mightily a threat to me. Soon thereafter a PAC comercial runs about Good never voting for policy to control the border. Therein is the solution to this great GOP lie. Attack it with these ads at 6 pm -10pm and maybe voters will see it for what it is.

Great article. Thank you Judd and Team

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RP got a boost from a billionaire donor who owns 15% of TikTok. My suspicion based on his behavior for the past year or two is RP wants to step into the power & influence void when McConnell leaves the Senate — both in DC and in KY.

Everywhere we look there’s a billionaire driving the agenda.

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The 1% want to rule the world

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The Democrats messaging seems again to let the lies settle across Americans ears, little rebutted. It becomes reality for many who don’t care about boring data - not when it’s against salacious reporting.

I live in a city that also bucked the trend a bit in murders. Our red counties have been messaging constantly about it. Yesterday, due to a shocking tragedy. we hit national news when 8 officers were shot, 4 of whom died. (RIP)! The red counties yakkity-yak boards are already having a field day about urban crime. It’ll go unchecked by Dems.

Messaging means votes or lost votes. People believe what they repeatedly hear, without checking. Now I know if won’t turn a single red voters mind, to hear a different, truthful message. But it changes independent & dem voters - they won’t vote or they may even vote red!

You’d think Dem leaders & those with a microphone would get it by now.

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Great comment! As an unaffiliated voter, one of most frustrating issues right now is the Democrats failure at messaging. They don't seem to be able to do what Judd does so well; publicize facts in a way that is compelling. I find myself trying to convince friends/family who don't support Biden about all the good things he's done and how intelligently he is handling the many disasters that have come his way since 2020 (exception is Israel/Gaza...sorry Joe). Where are their strong messages?! They need to stop filling my inbox with sad and pitiful requests for a few more dollars (I give monthly to several campaigns) and come out strong! Bring on Dark Brandon, damnit!

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ALL OF THIS!! Yes!!! I’m an Indie w/no choice but to lean blue & for almost ten years I’ve watched Dems fail on messaging not only against Trump & inoculating against his lies, but for past 4 years, they’ve failed to uplift Pres Biden!

All of their little grievances and demands for 100% perfection in doing what they want, or what he’s tried overshadows what he’s accomplished. His efforts go unsung by Dems as a whole, who are still reactive and late as hell to the message party.

A few spurts of firebrands coming out every now and then doesn’t cut it! Dems need to get off the high road & handle messaging.

Meanwhile, 16 email messages per day, begging for money…

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I agree with your main point but there is nothing salacious or attention grabbing about crime going down. That’s why it has been the GOP weapon of choice for many decades. It’s like trying to explain the economy is doing better. Every time there is a crime (or people spend money) the negative narrative is reinforced and anyone who disagrees is viewed as a liar.

Where you have more people you have more opportunity for crimes to occur. So, to your point about data and salacious reporting, people react emotionally not logically & are not interested in facts. They also have short memories and short attention spans. https://apnews.com/article/shootings-kentucky-2bd51f2697c08c846f8cc7cdda108b81

This needs a very different approach. Personally I wonder how people reconcile thinking a criminal candidate for dictator who calls for shooting anyone who maybe a problem is a solution with their concern about crime.

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In one of my other responses, I addressed the fact that people don’t pay attention to and are not interested in boring truth.

The delivery is what matters. That is where Dems fail miserably. The dullest of messages can be delivered with fire and the power that holds attention no matter what it is, if the right communicator is delivering it. The GOP has a shit ton of effective communicators.

Yes, they are stupid and yes, they are communicating lies but they are also holding media attention because of the delivery. (No one wants to hear a boring lie either). Dems need a little less arrogance and a lot more fire!

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Yes, I read your comments in their entirety which is why I said “to your point about data and …”.

No, they are not stupid. They are grandstanding to draw attention. The media doesn’t cover as much news anymore that isn’t dramatic. Partly because the audience has changed & has the attention span of a gnat. Part of it is the conglomerates that own the news media are either entertainment oriented or cable/communication based and want profit.

Actually many of the GOP ‘communicators’ are quite well educated and know exactly what they are doing. Yes they have a lot of messengers and they are effective. A good portion of their success was gaining larger audiences due to efforts of traditional news to ‘tell both sides’. The messengers were not informative but merely repeating talking points.

Not delivering shallow nonsensical political drama has nothing to do with arrogance.

As I said, “This needs a very different approach.” Meme wars and troll wars convince no one of anything. Plus, they are a facade. One guy had his own GOP troll farm that hired teens. Mike Johnson sank MTG’s anti-Ukraine ship. Her weapons were polling and social media but Congress members went home after the Ukraine vote to find their constituents were not up in arms.

If your demeanor or tone and tactics are the same as your opponent, you lose. Voters who like it choose the original. The rest turn away. The Dems need a different way to be impactful.


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They are well educated, and some of them have strategy, but that does not dismiss the fact that they are indeed stupid. They do not know about tons of relevant subjects around politics, such as history, geography, war, strategy, global relations or any of it.

They have smart people behind-the-scenes, telling them what to do and pulling strings which helps them look smart but listen to them directly and their ignorance shines. I maintain that they are stupid.

I’m fine with a different approach; several options can work- all would be better than what Dems do now. (I didn’t suggest memes & troll wars). I suggested the key voices use a much better & energized delivery of the successes, facts & such & to inoculate against the bs (proactively).

Dems need to understand marketing and branding just the way the GOP understands it. They need to get media attention to get the attention of a particular section of Dem & Indie voters. Those voters are not listening to stoic, mature conversations and interviews. Those voters will tune out noise. But a passionately delivered fact-filled charismatic communication style gets the attention.

Unfortunately, we only have one Jeff jackson who is an excellent communicator who has pulled in both sides with his delivery and his tones, but that takes a special kind of person and skill. The rest of the people who do not have that grace need to do a different type of thing and they need to do what works..

What do you suggest would be a better strategy? Open to all ideas!

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Never underestimate your opponents. It will come back to haunt you. I’m fairly certain most of the GOP in your opinion ‘stupid’ are acting. They don’t share the same concerns or goals. They denigrate elites and speak like the proverbial hick stereotype but know better. J D Vance has a degree in political science and a law degree from Yale.

I have no idea why you think there is only one Dem who can communicate or one type of Dem who can win over voters. Dems are not a monolith; neither are their candidates.

Our governor won 2 terms in KY which is not a bastion for liberals. He won the first time before being pro-choice was a positive election issue. He won the 2nd time by a larger margin when vetoing an anti-trans bill was supposed to be the kiss of death. He, Sherrod Brown and others have a quiet demeanor and focus on the constituent needs.

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It's all about messaging. Democrats are terrible at it. Really terrible.

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Another way to look at it is that Republicans engage in propaganda and lying, amplified by a complicit and/or lazy press. These are strong headwinds faced by Democratic “messaging”. Facts don’t change minds that are already made up, but stories can change hearts.

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Spot on. MAGA “junkies” have the Fox needle in their arm and live obliviously from fix to fix. The pusher takes the money and dispenses the poison with a crooked grin.

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And will hopefully apply bitter hard experience this time and get the job done. One problem could also be a somewhat hostile media?

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Yes a hostile media but Dems don’t use that to their advantage. Media wants drama & scandal & gossip. If lies can be told in a way that can get & keep their attention, then so can the truth!

Shout the reality & truth in angry outbursts, simple slogans, name-calling & mockery of the Repubs. Do what they do but with facts! Make the media pay attention. Timid sporadic dull truth doesn’t get media attention. They don’t care what they report as long as it gets attention so why the hell can’t Dems figure that out! Weak messaging makes people think weak leadership. Poor Pres Biden out here on his own trying to drop bombs & these mealy mouth Dems, DNC, “director of communication” don’t even try to help him.

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Good points Tiff C.

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I’ve seen several reports lately that Biden is circumventing some of the mainstream news by giving interviews to reach other audiences. Howard Stern for one. Jonathan Capehart said he has interviewed Biden 2x. Still he described the HS interview as the best interview of Biden yet.

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Hello Ann. I've heard the same although I have not yet heard the HS interview

I read about it and also understand that his nibs (tfg) is highly upset!

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If anything, any increase in crime is most likely tied to a housing crisis forcing people to the streets. Single men with nothing to do all day, and most of them are not immigrants, are a recipe for trouble. A second problem is people on the edge of homelessness becoming desperate. I think some of the mall crimes we've been having may be from this group. Solve the housing problem and you fix most of the causes of mercantile-related crimes. None of this proposes that murders are increasing. Property crimes might be though.

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I'd agree that "porch pirates" are probably on the rise, at least around here. Thing is that the pictures captures on multiple Ring Camera complaints mostly show, uh, people who don't look the least like immigrants.

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Everytime a Republican bitches about the border they need to be confronted with the fact that a border bill was in hand and they killed it at Trump's behest. They own the issue now, if only the corporate media would hold them to account for it. And by the way, where are the f'king Democrats??? If the media won't call them out, then Biden and the Democrats must. The same goes for violent crime, especially gun crime, which is much worse in red states than blue driven in no small part by Republican fealty to the toothless NRA worshiping at the altar of the AR-15.

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It's just amazing in such an awful way that so many people PREFER to believe this "IMMIGRANT CRIME WAVE" narrative that they have been fed.

I have a relative who relies on the same news sources and thinks much in the same way as the poor deluded ones who cower in their living rooms with Fox or Newsmax, OAN or any of those "infotainment" channels.

If they weren't so GD dangerous one could almost feel sorry for them.

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Yes yes yes. Democrats need major PR help.

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Say it enough times and it gets into people’s brains. I hear something like this from people: “Things just look so bad for democracy and are in such disorder right now.” But that’s what Trump, et.al. wants you to believe. They want you to believe everything is awful and they want you to give up, to “Obey in advance”. When you give up, they have won. Open your eyes.

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The truth doesn't matter anymore. Whatever fits your agenda.

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Yes, the old ‘don’t believe what you hear and see’ only believe the orange one.

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The 70% believing crime is going up can’t all be blamed on Fox….nyt, wapo, abc, nbc, cnn would rather talk about Bidens age or demonize college protestors than talk about decreased violent crime-huge fucking story where causes should be explored to further this trend. We all know what Fox is so I place more blame on legacy media failing to inform, another example of this is the same people that wrongly think the economy is bad or we’re in a recession despite historically good unemployment, job growth, gdp, new business starts…

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Because it's election season, republicans want you to believe the worst. They seem to be doing quite a messaging job right now. The proof is in the pudding however and theirs is turning to water, as in see through. Keep in mind that anything that comes from the right is more than likely bs. If one of them told me it was raining I would confirm it on my own, no credibility whatsoever.

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Has anyone asked trump why, if we had the safest border ever under him, he thought spending money on a wall was a good idea?

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I love that question.

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I wish I'd thought of your question Susan. That's a damn good one.

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Me too.

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The Right Wing propagandists are the strongest political force in the US - probably in the world - stronger even than voting. On the issues, there would be few RW politicians, as they have no platform except to make wealthy people wealthier. The RW gives no help to anyone else. They lean on Christianity, guns, culture wars, outright racism (includes misogyny and xenophobia) and that Dems are Socialists. The RW lies about everything - and has for many years - relying on faith over facts and that repeating the same lies will make them “true” to most people. And it’s worked. A political force that despite offering nothing - they tell people they will fix everything in counties across America where they’ve been in power for years and are responsible for the condition of the county - maintains power. And write laws when in power to increase their chances: gerrymandering, voter suppression, draconian laws against anyone who isn’t a white male. All based on nothing but noise and propaganda. Truly a remarkable feat.

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I think most people in the comments here don't realize the power of Right Wing propaganda worldwide. There are hundreds of billions of dollars behind it and disinformation is by far the most effective weapon against democracy. The Republican party has massive propaganda support from China, Russia, Iran, and other authoritarian regimes. "Messaging" doesn't mean shit without that force behind it.

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That Rick, is food for thought. They're ALL seditionists if not outright traitors!

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It's impossible for me to imagine that I would personally benefit from surrendering my already limited critical thinking skills to an unethical and immoral media organization. Then again, ignorance and pride have led our placard-holding MAGA insurrectionists to embrace demagoguery, communism, racism, and hatred for Americans who think and care about others. Post truth. No facts. Evidence be damned. I love a criminal.

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I have two thoughts. 1) I would be embarrassed to allow weasel news and "conservative" talk radio to make such a fool of me that I would believe the lies they continuously spew.

2) A question for our "conservative" friends: If you were blind and deaf would you expect to be able to find your way in the world without help to make sense of what is around you? Of course not. So why would you waste your time with "conservative" information sources whose entire purpose is to make you blind and deaf to what's really going on in the world in order to get you to support whatever their wealthy owners want you to support which is almost always exactly the opposite of what you need, and designed to let them legalize even more theft of your income, your health care, and any hope you ever had of a comfortable retirement. The resources needed for all those things are now tucked away in massive tax free bank accounts where they will never be used for any good purpose, but only hoarded. How does that waste of resources make sense?

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"So why would you waste your time with "conservative" information sources whose entire purpose is to make you blind and deaf to what's really going on in the world"

Because that is the news that they WANT to hear. It's singing their song, delineating THEIR own PREFERRED narrative!

I have a relative whom I can no longer discuss these things with. You see, his "conservative friends" have "educated" all of the sense out of the boy.

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