Robert F. Kennedy, Sr., would be aghast at the utter BS that his son is pushing.

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Yes. JFK Jr’s niece is (or was in 2019) the executive director of Georgetown University’s Global Health Initiatives. In 2019 his 2 siblings and niece made a public statement expressing their love for him but that he was “tragically wrong about vaccines”….

And we are proud of the history of our family as advocates of public health and promoters of immunization campaigns to bring life-saving vaccines to the poorest and most remote corners of America and the world, where children are the least likely to receive their full course of vaccinations. On this issue, Bobby is an outlier in the Kennedy family ….”

They pointed out (among other things) JFK signed pro-vaccination legislation; he RFK and Ted Kennedy all publicly supported and worked to make vaccinations available.

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Thank you for covering this material to add to this report.

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I daresay Sr would be tempted to take Jr out back to the woodshed for a talk.

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BS? Seriously?

Father of Vaccines: HepB Vax Put On Kid's Schedule After 5 Day Trial, Unethical to Now Run Study: https://bitchute.com/video/ngLCNbNUwNdW

There are no placebo groups in childhood vaccines because that would be unethical according to the HHS.

So regarding that warp speed COVID vaccine…

Rushed, guaranteed to succeed, corruptly tested, experimental injection? ✓

That killed and maimed well-over a thousand people during the severely abbreviated trial phase? ✓

And also caused 23 spontaneous abortions and 75 serious clinical events from 270 expectant mothers during said trial? ✓

Using a highly dangerous mRNA tech that in the past killed every mouse with ADE? ✓

A tech previously untested on humans, the emergency usage of which upended over a century of vaccine safety and efficacy research? ✓

For a virus far less deadly than the lockdowns themselves? ✓

Also less deadly than the flu - which conveniently went AWOL when COVID hit the scene? ✓

For a (cold) virus they’ve been unable to cure after over a century of trying? ✓

But somehow all of a sudden, the criminal pharmaceutical companies - notorious for rampant felonious trial fraud - figured it out in less than a year? ✓

And then went on to manufacture billions of quality assured, safe and effective doses at record speed which were then lawfully distributed by the US military? ✓

People actually bought into this on a grand scale, and voluntarily injected this poison? ✓

References for the above ^ here: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/the-doormats-of-the-new-world-order

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If it (the vaccine) were actually poison, it would have killed more people than covid did.

And it did not. Go figure.

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I don't know what stats you are looking at, but COVID was barely deadly at all, and even then, only deadly - for the most part - to people aged 65 and older with one or more co-morbidities:

https://tritorch.com/covidKillRate [image]

On the other hand, during the injection trials, Pfizer recorded an astonishing number of Adverse Events and death - which they tried to use the court system to hide for 55 years:

https://tritorch.com/ae2 [image]

https://tritorch.com/pfizerTrialAdverseEvents [pdf]

Then, after the roll-out, the CDC VAERS safety signal database exploded with adverse events and death in numbers never seen before:

https://tritorch.com/CDCVaers [pdf]

In summary, poison seems to be an accurate term for the COVID Pfizer injection.

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W.H.O. says 1,127,152 died in the US due to covid. How many died due to the vaccine? Hmmm?


Notice that I don't reference my own articles?

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I wouldn't bother with this fool. All you folks are doing here is giving him a soapbox to rant from. I'm ignoring him. I suggest you do likewise.

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You are right and you know it. But boy do I like winding them up sometimes. They will build that wall (of text) all day if they could.

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The only article I referenced was to an article with all of the references to my original comment. Everything else posted here by me has been to studies, statements, or data directly from the NIH, CDC, or Pfizer. Nice try though.

Assuming there are three hundred and fifty million people in the US, according to the WHO COVID killed:


Which is far under the 2% vaccine death Jake G quoted.

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You said the vaccine was poison. Were it poison it would have killed more than covid did. Covid killed over a million souls. How many more did the vaccine kill?

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So 2% of people died "from the vaccine" according to your little chart. How do you know that more of them wouldn't have died from contracting Covid? Your cute little chart doesn't do what you think it does. This proves nothing.

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You are wasting your time. This person doesn't argue in good faith. They come from the Scott Adams school of pseudo-intellectual circular reasoning.

You are kicking water uphill. Best to cut bait.

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Egads! You're right. He quotes Matt Walsh and Jimmy Dore on his little perimeter publication. His credibility index already low, has plummeted to zero.

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Yeah, may as well listen to a barking dog for stock tips.

But you hurt me. My first name is Adam and my middle name is... Scott!!!

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According to Bill Gates, COVID had an official death rate of .2%. The injection killed 2%. Seems like you made my argument for me.

Here is the projected COVID IFR in September 2020: (best scenario for the elderly 0.054 IFR):

https://tritorch.com/CDCIFR2020 [image]

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You forgot to mention that medical doctors, scientists, & disease specialists disagree with you.

And referencing YOUR articles! 😄 The article I wrote says you are completely wrong. Issue solved!

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That's an appeal to authority fallacy. Not a good look.

Everything is referenced with inline links in the article I posted.

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Only a true deluded one would deny all the expert & scientific evidence. You’ve been duped like all the other MAGAs.

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55 years?

“Only the ones with co-morbidities died.” That’s eugenics. Also, that’s most adults. Stop hurting people.

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Yes 55 years:

"The FDA has proposed to produce 500 pages per month which, based on its calculated number of pages, would mean it would complete its production in nearly 55 years, the year 2076":

https://tritorch.com/FDA55Years [image]

COVID is not harmful to almost anyone:

https://tritorch.com/covidKillRate [image]

https://tritorch.com/CDCIFR2020 [image]

But, according to Pfizer's data, the injection very much is:

https://tritorch.com/pfizerTrialAdverseEvents [image]

https://tritorch.com/pfizerTrialAdverseEvents [pdf]

Stop harming people? You have it backwards. Advocating for a remedy that is far worse than the disease is harming people. I suggest you stop immediately.

"At that point we didn't really understand that it's a fairly low fatality rate, and that it's a disease of the elderly." -Bill Gates

"The current vaccines are not infection blocking, they're not broad - so when new variants come up you lose protection - and they have very short duration." -Bill Gates

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So they just let anybody have a Substack, huh?

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I’ve had six covid shots and will have the seventh in the Fall. I’ve never had covid. I’m perfectly healthy. Anti vaxxers are delusional ultracrepidarians.

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Uh huh huh huh huh Uh, ultra what?

I've only had 4 and am immunocompromised but I am doing right fine.

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Even if the pharmaceutical companies wanted to rush it for profit, all of the doctors in the world who say it's safe are wrong and people like you with zero medical experience or background say it's "dangerous" and will kill people? Why would anyone believe you? Because you put a check mark next to your own statements, now it's a fact? Where did you do your research? I don't see any medical journals listed as your sources, how exactly did you come to these conclusions? Show your work mr anti-vax...

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Why would anyone believe a candidate, albeit with a famous name, who is advised by Steve Bannon?

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The thing is…they can waste their money..RFK jr is NOT a desired politician outside of his 15 supporters.

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Not $$ from Bannon of course. Jr will will do anything to attract attention to his disinformation. He’d been attending Flynn’s ‘Reawakening’ tours (with Flynn’s usual cast of characters). Did not speak this yr.

I can’t image his followers could hollow out the Dems from the inside with chaos by using the Kennedy name. He is supposed to have over 1M twitter followers. Not sure how many are human though.

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Jake G. No one with half a brain reads that drivel he is pushing. Don’t waste your time or words against that ridiculous talking point as it’s not based in fact. It’s infuriating to see or read people so blinded by misinformation but a sad reality. Oh and of course he is vaxxed, or maybe rabid.

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Pfizer did the research, and tried to use the court system to hide it for 55 years. I just report their - and others' - findings.

Over a thousand deaths in the trial:


The reported adverse events during said trial were off the scale:


Mr anti-vax? Wow, good one.

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Probably tried to hide it because psychopaths' like yourself will try and twist the data to fit your narrative. Again, your little chart proves nothing. Those same people would have died *without* the vaccine. How do YOU know that their deaths can be linked and attributed to the vaccine? You're not a doctor or a scientist. You don't know and you're spreading misinformation. Did you get vaccinated as a child? My guess is 'yes' and you're still alive because of it.

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I'm a psychopath for pointing out the deaths and adverse events during the Pfizer trial? How about misscarriages and spontaneous abortions, does that make more a higher level psychopath? If so, so be it. Here you go:

Pfizer injection caused 23 spontaneous abortions and 75 serious clinical events from 270 expectant mothers during trial:


Yes, telling people to stay away from this injection makes me a psychopath. Someone needs to re-examine their biases. (You)

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You are most certainly a psychopath. Cherry picking statistics to fit your anti-vax narrative. Conveniently you don't mention if you were vaxxed as a child. Guarantee that you were and that's why you're alive today. But by all means, continue to spread your misinformation and hide behind your computer screen. You're so sure of yourself that you refuse to show your face. And the people that you cite are not experts at all. Sounds legitimate to me. I'm convinced!

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I wish I knew the truth. I'm tired of all this name calling. Seems like we want same thing in general, to feel safe and help each other stay healthy. Being angry at each other for having suspicions or feeling uncertain about what's true is not helping us heal as a species. We seriously need to stop attacking people who have different opinions. It won't bring truth to the surface nor will it create well being or healing as a community. So tired.

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A very contentious topic here, as evidenced by the hyperbole. Saying that vaccines are harmful or vaccines are wonderful and life-saving is too simplistic. When my pregnant daughter exhibited vaccine hesitancy, we started reading--a lot of reading. I wanted to know the science, but the money also became a significant factor for me. I had 2 immunizations in my childhood--smallpox and polio --and all the normal childhood illnesses without any lasting effects or recurrence. My own children received the recommended vaccine schedule, prob ~12-15 shots pre-adulthood. (There was one serious bad reaction in infancy among them.) Currently, the CDC recommended schedule consists of 70+ injections (some vax administered more than once.)Following the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which indemnified Pharma from liability, the number of vaccines coming to market has exploded (Sanofi is working on an acne vaccine *eyeroll*) and rakes in $30 billion in profits annually. There are members of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Protocols (ACIP) and other related CDC committees and the FDA’s vaccine advisory committee (VRBPAC) who hold patents related to vaccines and/or receive funding from pharmaceutical companies for their research. These are powerful and persuasive entities with a long reach, and there is the familiar revolving door between government and private sector. How long did tobacco companies know about the risk of smoking before they were exposed? Big oil and global warming? So that’s innuendo, or what-about-ism, but it certainly gives me pause.

But back to science, I can’t do a review here of everything I read, too much. But the science isn’t settled. Science is never settled; it evolves. Each vaccine is different in its efficacy and its possible adverse events, and newer iterations are being developed all the time to improve them. Just as there are risks with most medications, vaccines can have risk as well. I delved into the VAERS system for reporting adverse events and data from the Vaccine Injury Protection Court (VIPC). Online sources of info are more difficult now since the absence of net neutrality allows search engines to cue up the preferred status links first. I bought books authored by doctors and scientists and read package inserts for each vaccine.

I’ve read, and I think this article reflects, that most vaccine hesitancy is found among a well-educated population. And they aren’t all a bunch of tinfoil hat crazies. I’m not anti-vax. I just want all the information I can find to justify giving a newborn, my grandchild, day 1, a hepatitis B vaccine and then all the other 70+ jabs that follow. There are some vaccines I accept, others not so much. If I were considering vaccinations for my child today, I would reject some, delay some, and would not have more than one at a time. My daughter chose not to vaccinate her 2 children. She made strides to build healthy immune systems with good nutrition and minimal exposure to environmental toxins. Her first child didn’t see a doctor other than an initial exam following birth until age 7 when he developed strep throat and was first prescribed an antibiotic. He’s extremely bright, healthy, active, and happy. The 1yo hasn’t seen a doctor since a 1mo check up. We personally know people whose children have had serious adverse reactions to vaccination, and I’ve read med school professors’ and other board-certified physicians’ anecdotal accounts of patients experiencing ASD symptoms, gut issues, neurological deficits following vaccine and concede that some may have had other conditions prior to vaccination that could have contributed. But we don’t know those answers in part because of the pernicious blowback from the mainstream medical community.

To those of you who will attack me, there’s a hate vaccine in development 😉, and I’m hopeful for a gun vaccine for the leading cause of death in children in the US.

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Using Tritorch as one's source for ANY substantiation of 'facts' is akin to using donald trump for a character reference. Yes?

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Hahaha! Hat's off to you William. Torched his azz!

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You are a moron.

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An ad-hominem right off the bat. Shocker.

Specifically, why do you consider me a moron?

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Like facsim, your idiocy has no place in decent conversation. Anti-vaxxers kill people. There’s no debating morons like you.

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Specifically, who have anti-vaxxers, as you put it, killed?

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What specific part of “no debate” do you not understand moron.

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Good Lord, observe what the dis-information industry creates. There are tens of millions of voters who are just like tritorch, turned into mis-led, a.k.a. dangerous, MAGA citizens after 30 years of Rush, his imitators, Rupert, Lachlan and the rest. These voters are inured to verifiable facts. Argument is futile. Joe Rogan is part of the very profitable dis-information industry, make no mistake. James Madison warned, "A democratic republic requires a well-informed electorate." America no longer has that.

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What have I written that is disinformation? Where are my facts wrong?

Why do you assume I listen to Joe Rogan or Rush and his "imitators"?

If you have evidence contradicting my assertions, please share it. If not, your argument could be used as an apex cautionary tale in a classroom teaching students how to avoid logical fallacy and bias traps.

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The prosecution rests.

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Haha, what? Are you honing your stand-up routine?

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RFK Jr is a very sick man. The company he keeps -- uber-wealthy libertarians (i.e., oligarchs and fascists) -- is disgusting.

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"Bitchute"? "World's leading vaccine authority"? Highly, highly edited? Seriously? 🙄

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It is an unedited segment of Stanley Plotkin - AKA the "Father of Vaccines" -admitting that the HEPB vaccine was only "tested" for five days with no placebo group before being approved, and that to now go back and actually test it would be unethical.

Here it is again in case you missed it: https://bitchute.com/video/ngLCNbNUwNdW

Attacking bitchute now, are we? All it does is host videos. You guys are a riot.

It is amazing how much many of you fear alternate viewpoints - shifting immediately to ad-hominem personal attacks on the messenger with fallacy fueled arguments to shut down all critical/independent thought and introspection that the discussion may generate.

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Sure, fine, whatever. Life's too short. I'm going outside.

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You may want to think this through while you're out there.

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He writes "Out Here on the Perimeter (with all the other nutters)" and quotes Matt Walsh and Jimmy Dore on his little site. Of course his special, secret and all encompassing wisdom comes from a "bitchute." From what other source would one excrete such excretia?

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"So regarding that warp speed COVID vaccine" I am very greatful that Kizzy Corbet, Barney Graham, McLelland, Kaitlin Kariko, Drew Weissman, and many others participating in this years long scientific work devoted their many hours and well-developed brilliance for the benefit of humanity. And, realize, that China was never able to develop such an effective vaccine.

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How is the injection effective? This is from the NIH study repository:


Archived link:


From the abstract:

"Recently, The Lancet published a study on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and the waning of immunity with time. The study showed that immune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals.

According to European Medicines Agency recommendations, frequent COVID-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible. The decrease in immunity can be caused by several factors such as N1-methylpseudouridine, the spike protein, lipid nanoparticles, antibody-dependent enhancement, and the original antigenic stimulus. These clinical alterations may explain the association reported between COVID-19 vaccination and shingles. As a safety measure, further booster vaccinations should be discontinued."

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It IS unethical to have placebo groups with children. In clinical trials, people often show up desperate. Kids don't have the understanding or awareness to gamble their lives away on a 50/50 shot at an all-or-nothing research vaccine if it has the potential to save it.

I mean, imagine saying to your 5-year-old, "Well, Billy, you might receive a shot that could prevent your death. It's been tested on animals already so we know it's not poisonous. ...But you might not get anything, and die anyway." But they're also not old enough to consent to studies, so that part is up to their parents, who'd I imagine are not willing to gamble on that kind of 50/50 probability.

And you can't "opt in" for that bet, either, because then the study is no longer double-blind, which is one of the only scenarios that requires a placebo group anyway.

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Thank you for confirming that the vaccine industry is flying blind with no double-blind studies for the 70+ (and rising) injections given to the most vulnerable among us. Here is how skeptically vaccines were viewed by the scientific community not long ago:


"You take it and a year goes by and everybody's fine. And then you say, "okay, that's good, let's give it to 500 people. And then a year goes by and anybody's fine."

So then you say, "well now, let's give it to thousands of people"

And then you find out it takes 12 years for all hell to break loose. And then, what have you done? -Fauci on the AIDS vaccine, 1999


But now, releasing and then frantically coercing the entire world to take a rushed, guaranteed to succeed, corruptly tested, experimental injection utilizing a brand new unproven technology - a technology never before injected into mankind outside of limited trial environments - for a virus that, even the CDC admits, poses practically no threat to anyone is considered SOUND SCIENCE.

You might consider re-analyzing your premises with a critical eye and correcting your steering where needed.

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Yeah, I knew the risks when getting my Covid-19 vaccines. Something nuts might happen down the road, but guess what? I already have a ton of health issues. I'm going to have more complications in the future, that's a given.

First of all, there's no way I could ever determine what caused what because correlation doesn't equal causation.

Second of all, I'm not someone who worships Anthony Fauci, because I'm more or less indifferent toward the guy, and I hate all the times he's contradicted himself.

Third of all, I knew these risks going into each and every vaccination appointment but I was willing to do it anyway because I have little else to lose, I wanted to protect myself, and I wanted to protect others.

The risks I and many others have knowingly taken are for the greater good and they have absolutely saved lives. You cannot claim that vaccines are unsafe when there is no evidence to prove otherwise.

Hit me up in 12 years if the studies about the Covid-19 vaccine come out. I'm well aware I am a guinea pig along with every other vaccinated person on this planet and I'd love to know about any complications in the long term should they come to fruition.

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"There is no evidence", where have I heard this mantra before? There is plenty of evidence that the Pfizer COVID injection is harmful, and reflexively claiming otherwise does not make it not so:


Pfizer trials https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf Page 12: Pregnancy outcomes for the 270 pregnancies were reported as spontaneous abortion (23), outcome pending (5), premature birth with neonatal death, spontaneous abortion with intrauterine death (2 each), spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and normal outcome (1 each). ... 124 mother cases, 49 non-serious and 75 serious, reported clinical events, which occurred in the vaccinated mothers"

Pfizer trials https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf Page 7: 1223 people died after receiving the Pfizer vaccine, 42,086 had adverse events.

Virology Journal Abstract, 20 March, 2022, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35659687: "The study showed that immune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals. According to European Medicines Agency recommendations, frequent COVID-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible. The decrease in immunity can be caused by several factors such as N1-methylpseudouridine, the spike protein, lipid nanoparticles, antibody-dependent enhancement, and the original antigenic stimulus. These clinical alterations may explain the association reported between COVID-19 vaccination and shingles. As a safety measure, further booster vaccinations should be discontinued."


There is no better data set than the double-blind controlled trials done by the pharmaceutical companies testing their own injections, and the results were catastrophically negative for Pfizer. In spite of this, they - and the FDA - went ahead and released the injection to the public anyway, for a virus that was NOT HARMFUL to anyone but the very elderly who have one or more dramatic co-morbidities. This is not me saying that about the non-danger of SARS-CoV -2, this comes directly from the CDC's own data and projections.

The world was terrorized into locking down and taking a vaccine for a very mild virus. A vaccine that was not needed while being far far worse than the disease it was supposed to be curing (the FDA knew this was the case in advance). It is not your fault that you believed in it - the propaganda was merciless and relentless and came from every angle - but now is the time to pick up the pieces and start holding the people who inflicted this nightmare upon us responsible.

This is how thick the lies and propaganda were during the worst of it, and I do not blame anyone for falling for it. You just used one of the following hypnotic chants on me. Do you recognize which one?

New Normal ● Alone Together ● Build Back Better ● Flatten the Curve

Stay Home Save Lives ● Protect/Save the NHS ● We’re all in this together

Test, Trace, Treat ● Stay smart, Stay Safe, Stay Open ● We Stay Home!

Don’t Panic, Don’t Rush, Don’t Overstock ● Only You Can Prevent the Spread

Stay Home, Your Home is Your Lifeline ● Stay Home, Save Lives, Avoid Stage 5

NHS: We Stay At Work for You – You Stay At Home For Us ● COVID Ends With You

Follow The Science ● Trust The Science ● Believe In The Science

Be Informed, Be Prepared, Be Smart, Be Safe: Be Ready to Fight COVID-19

The vaccine will save us ● The booster will save us ● The 4th dose is the answer

Your freedom ends where your contagion begins ● Self Isolate!

I wear my mask to protect you and you wear your mask to protect me

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF HARM ● This is a pandemic of the un-vaccinated

Out of an abundance of caution ● No one is safe until everyone is safe

This is for the greater good ● It is Safe and Effective ● The science is settled

We cannot let them get away with this.

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I stopped reading once you said the virus is only dangerous to the elderly. It has killed many, many middle-aged adults. It's also dangerous to the immunocompromised and those with certain risk factors such as lung and cardiovascular diseases.

Also, correlation does not equal causation. Unless all those effects on pregnancies can be directly linked to the vaccines, they could have been caused by anything. You also must understand what a vaccination adverse effect actually is. It is any health concern that happens after a vaccine is administered.

That includes dizziness, syncope, nausea, a sore arm, localized rash, fever, flulike symptoms, and other mild effects that are not only expected but normal because it means your body is using the vaccine's mRNA components to basically "practice" a good immune response so it will be better prepared if Covid-19 actually shows up in the body.

Adverse events can also be more serious problems, but again, they don't mean much unless they are proven to be directly caused by the vaccine. Or if the correlation is very strong, the vaccine is removed from the market out of an abundance of caution. This is what happened with the J&J and AstraZeneca vaccines.

There are also vaccine adverse effects that happen with all vaccines and are not new info. They are relatively rare but include autoimmune syndromes like Guillain-Barre, or very rarely these days, allergic reactions.

But if you still insist that the vaccinations are harmful and the manufacturers, CDC, WHO, and governments throughout the world were and are aware of this, I want to know one thing: why?

Why would organizations dependent on an economy that thrives on labor willingly kill or disable tens of thousands or more students and workers? Why would they bother keeping the vaccine on the market to this day when it doesn't even make sense for their bottom line now that vaccination rates are so low? Why would they conspire with the government when those working with the government also got the vaccine?

And why do you suppose only one political party has been involved in the USA? You mean to tell me not one GOP representative accepted these hypothetical bribes from Pfizer or Moderna, two of the most wealthy corporations in the entire world, to spread this hypothetical propaganda or at least take a neutral stance? Because of what, their strong moral principles? Give me a break.

Like Pfizer and Moderna would just willingly forgo 40% of the population in these hypothetical (or literal, depending on you frame it) human lab rat studies. They could have paid off the GOP if they wanted to. Why didn't they?

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REALLY?? !!! Say who!

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Thank you for this story. The performative buffoonery of these wealthy attention mongers is killing people.

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Mass human sacrifice based on anti-science misinformation.

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Polio is back because of guys like Kennedy. 5 counties last I saw, which was awhile ago. If you live there and you are vaccinated but immunosuppressed, you may still get it. I hope very soon people or their families suffering lifelong consequences or dying from measles, polio, etc., will sue Kennedy, Rogan, Musk, etc., for all they have.

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Thanks for another great article describing reality.

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It is exactly this misuse of media platforms that worries me deeply. What was originally created with hopes to educate and improve our society as metastasized into a monster of deception and lies. Our freedom of speech is so precious; to see it misused this way pains me deeply. Thank you Judd for this story.

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Fyi. Dr. Hotez was harassed at his home and it was video'd for Twitter by one of Rogan's followers. The absolute craziness perpetrated on this country by billionaires like Musk and Ackerman and too often, 698 more billionaires reinforces my intense dislike of the 1%.

RFK,Jr is dangerous. If I have learned 1 thing in the past 20 years, it is the very wealthy like the Koch brothers and the Federalist Society have funded the erosion of Democracy and America as a nation to their benefit. Trump is a crooked, lying Kook, and they got him elected. Don't be sure that RFK, Jr can't dilute the vote, even if he is possiblily crooked and certainly an antivax Kook with a very recognizable family name.

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This business of showing up at people's homes has to stop. As much as I despise the rulings of the right-wing SCOTUS Justices, it shouldn't happen at their homes either.

I watched the J6 testimonies and one of those that broke my heart was from Rusty Bowers, Republican former Speaker of AZ House of Representatives, who refused to throw the state to an orange crook. His daughter was fighting cancer at his home, because she was too weak to be at hers. MAGAts, riled by lies from TFG, were supplied Bowers' address by 45s sycophants. They came there, blew horns, yelled in megaphones and unfurled banners calling him a criminal and pedophile at all hours, as his daughter was dying. No one should be subjected to this at home. Want to protest their business or department? Go to those offices. Home should be off limits.

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On Dr. Hotez debating RFK JR., I am reminded of Richard Dawkins when he responded to a a debate challenge from a young earth creationist ... "That would look great on your CV, not so good on mine."

In debating a conspiracy theorist, the expert gains nothing while the nut job gains credibility simply by being in the stage.

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Now if rfk would research and use his bully pulpit to go after the agribusiness conglomerates; how they are ruining our food supply, torturing animals, destroying the soil, and producing processed foods that are, imo, a national security threat, I would listen. Of course, he isn’t going to alienate his deep pocket donors.

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Yep. Dr. Hotez will not enable this man.

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If RFK Jr. had a different surname he'd be a mid level YouTube conspiracy peddler.

His candidacy and support is an example of the "horseshoe theory" which states that the closer beliefs converge as you get to the left/right fringe. Anti-vaxx quackery used to be the domain of Berkeley hippies. It is notable, though, that a recent poll shows he has higher favorables among Republicans than he does with Democrats.

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This. If he was Robert Blacksmith, he'd be in front of your local corner store, dirty, disheveled, wearing a sandwich board with apocalyptic warnings and screaming unintelligibly.

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He has cultivated them. This year he did not attend the ‘Reawakening Tour,’ despite being listed in the promo as a speaker & having done so in the past. That is Flynn’s project and it features various trump folks, family etc and belatedly cancelled a couple anti-semites who’d toured with them.

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The name Andrew Wakefield should ring a bell for some people. He perpetuated one of the biggest frauds in medicine regarding vaccines way back in the 90s. And his influence to the detriment of all of us is still ongoing. See the articles below.




Dr. Peter Hotez is a brilliant and compassionate man who, I believe, does have an autistic child. He stands by his statement that vaccines do not cause autism. He gave a lecture at one of my classes at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health when I was there and he knows what he is talking about..

Robert Kennedy Jr is a lawyer, not a scientist. That alone should scare you, you know: a lawyer doing science.

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I heard him interviewed yesterday. He spoke of his daughter, her autism and its connection to his dedication on this issue.

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Topics that are “a LITTLE bit controversial”? How about deadly? As always, Judd, thanks for painting the picture in its full degree of gravity. Money can not buy intelligence, obviously, which may be a good thing considering the small percentage of people in the upper percentiles of income.

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Idiocracy at its finest.

Sad that lots of people will perish because of this guy and his billionaire supporters.

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And remember, RK Jr is wealthy also. He is just another elite trying to influence the common man with his twinky-ding-dong, and deadly notions.

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This is just disgusting behavior from the talk radio deplorables--of course, not just talk radio, but the other right wing media outlets too. Remember when we were referred to as 'ugly Americans', because we were rude, or didn't even attempt to appreciate a country's culture or language, just stomped all over it with our self righteous entitled attitudes? Well, now we're doing it to other Americans and we are ugly on steroids. What has happened? Don't even get me started on RFK Jr. I would like to get off of this ride please.

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This is just gross. To think this is where our nation is on public health initiatives is really disturbing. Did people feel this way when a vaccine eradicated Polio? The Internet really has messed us up and AI is going to be 100x worse. And Twitter is a horrid cesspool of disinformation run by a racist, ignorant little boy

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My mother had vivid memories from her childhood of swimming pools being closed when ever there was a polio outbreak. Parents were terrified of the disease and the death and paralysis it brought. When the first vaccine came out, parents flocked to get their kids vaccinated. My mom never had polio, but she did have whooping cough. It was not a fond memory. Her generation never became vaccine deniers.

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That's why I think it all comes back to the Internet. Before the Covid vaccine we basically couldn't go anywhere, had to distance and wear masks. After the vaccine, deaths and serious illness fell precipitously and we now live normally again. I don't understand how that gets so twisted

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There were vaccinations sites set up in schools because they were ‘center’ of many communities. People flocked to them.

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I am actually afraid of AI and it's baked-in implicit bias.

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And the developers of AI are fully aware of these risks which makes it even scarier.

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Not "their problem" until of course, it is.

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In addition to the baked-in bias is the severe adherence to mission goals. The military ran a test drill with AI given a tentative kill order target. When told by the human dispatcher to abort, they said it essentially "killed" the dispatcher, which I was unclear if it actually hit their position or just whatever communication relay brought commands, and then completed its original kill order.

Good morning from Cyberdyne Systems, everyone. We're about to get SkyNet online.

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I remember reading some article intended to clear things up by muddying the waters further. Essesntially, it was a "supposed exaggeration" that the operator was killed outright. I think they meant to say the operator was killed virtually and then AI went on its merry way.

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Exactly what I found trying to clarify that report. There was more information but it wasn't better or clearer. I think they were ultimately trying to say that it was a drill and no one actually died, but that still doesn't change the fact that if that were live, the currently used logic would have killed a real operator. If it's this far along in development, how do you find and remove the kernel(s) of programming that drove that decision tree? Distinction with barely a difference in my opinion.

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Indeed. Agreed.

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Kenney's support comes mostly from the those on the far right, like Elon Musk. He should join the other two leading clowns and run as a Republican. Kennedy and his idiot followers want to send us back to the dark ages.

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Kennedy is a despicable character who knows nothing of science. He’d rather people die than actually get health care and preventative vaccines.

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I'm not the biggest Biden fan, but as far as a primary challenge goes, RFK Jr. is, as the kids say, not it, Chief.

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When Joe Rogan speaks, people eat pig anuses.

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I read Judd's latest and I shook my head. I wonder, how did the guy that played a funny handyman in a sitcom, then went on to emphatically cheer people to eat entrails and testicles on a game show, suddenly get seen as Socrates?

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