A sad day for the PGA, an organization I formerly admired for the standards they promoted (fair play, community service, and the values associated with the game). Now they are simply another money-grubbing business willing to overlook Saudi human rights abuses. Sad day for all who love golf.

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Disgusting. The Saudis have jailed, tortured, and beheaded citizens on the flimsiest of excuses. They put brilliant Saudi professor Hatoon al-Fassi in prison -- and she's still under house arrest -- for advocating women's driving and voting. They jailed Raif Badawi for 10 years and gave him 1,000 lashes for writing an Internet post that called for more freedom for Saudi citizens. Last year, on just one day, the Saudi executed 81 people, some on the murkiest of charges, with Human Rights Watch screaming bloody murder. Between 2010 and 2021, they executed 490 foreigners on charges of being foreign agents or accusations even stupider than that--39% of all the executions carried out in the country. Non-Muslims still can't visit Mecca, and women, Saudi or foreigner, face a situation where the slightest infraction can get a person killed. Saudi Arabia refuses to remove punitive limb amputations for infractions including petty theft, though they are become rare. Torture in police custody--and you can be arrested while there have been NO charges filed against you--is common. THANKS A LOT, GOLF. Now one of the worst human rights violator states on the planet owns a whole sport because THEY GAVE YOU MONEY???? ARE YOU KIDDING?????

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And they killed Jamal Khashoggi in 2018, and in the years that've passed, nothing has been done about it. Money and oil are all that matters I guess.

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It's as if money, or rather enough of it, will cure all ills.

Tell you what. I am so glad to be in the company of folks who don't think like that!!!

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It’s always about the money.

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Give up golf in protest? Well, there's always pickleball at the club.

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Yeah. Turn off the telly. Just turn it off when they're on. Don't watch. OR, show up with placards with images of Raif Badawi being publicly flogged, or of the bespeckled Hassan al-Rabea, who was arrested for protesting for women's rights. Human Rights Watch describes what happened to him: "Al-Rabea was among the people who was tortured beyond his capacity to endure, especially when the interrogator learned that he suffers from back pain and so he started to get creative with his torture, targeting already painful locations to the extent that he was not able to go to the bathroom without us helping him get there.” But, of course, we wouldn't to curb our mere pleasures because the owners of golf tortured people to death--would we? I would! I will never watch golf again, and the professional golf community has shamed itself beyond rehabilitation. I'm done. The people who murdered Jamal Kashhoghi and tortured a Yemeni fruit vendor to death for missing morning prayers will not get any support from me -- and neither will any golfer now or in the future unless they get out of this deal. I grew up 5 miles from the Augusta National and my father was a practice partner for Sam Sneed, Ben Hogan, and Julius Boros. I knew them all, and they would never stand for this )(*&^.

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I stopped watching football when Kap started protesting and haven't gone back since.

Whether you agree with that stand or not, a principled stand is a principled stand and I admire your's for precisely that reason. I also agree.

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I think what Kaepernick did was really warranted, so we don't agree. But I also think that the MOST dangerous thing is our disagreeing but that a culture -- like the Nazis -- goes into lockstep, everybody who still disagrees cowers and disagrees, and "agreement" becomes first solid, then set in stone. I don't care if that's on the Left (the Soviets and Chinese and Shining Path) or the Right (the Falangists, Brown Shirts, and Nazis). Terror lies at the poles, and with unlimited power in confined space. So, you stop watching football? We disagree? I'm with you: what saves us is the ability to make a principled stand IN WHICH PEOPLE HAVE A RIGHT TO SAFETY WHEN THEY DISAGREE WITH US. Chapeau off to you, sir.

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Wait mister. I think we do agree. I stopped watching the NFL because of Kap, most assuredly. Because I agreed with his principled stand and no longer supported football!

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There is only one word that comes to my mind after reading this: despicable.

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To me the word is "typical" and they both rhyme!

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No, greed.

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So nauseating. Feel bad for the pros who actually had a conscience and are now tarred with the bonesaw brush. They dont have a lot of options. And not that anyone cares about the laydeez, but curious about the LPGA in all of this. Ugh.

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Plus they passed up big money to take a stand for an organization, whose recent actions have rendered their having had taken that stand meaningless!

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anniegt, one of the many thoughts that flew through my mind was what impact this may have on LPGA. If MBS doesn't want women to be allowed to drive, and if PIF's stake also involves them in LPGA, will Saudi close it down or will the women need to compete while observing draconian dress codes?

I wonder if Judd, Tesnim and Rebecca can follow up on this and let us know.

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The New American where integrity is up for sale to the highest bidder! Greed is good right?

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Can you say "Jared Kushner"

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I can. I can also spit the taste out of my mouth after doing so. Ewww!

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Follow the money straight to Monahan’s pockets. This is absolutely so egregious. I hope the players that were blindsided take a collective step back. What a crime.

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The greed and hypocrisy of the PGA is astounding. Let’s hope golf fans turn off their TVs. I am.

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I sure as fuck will not watch another minute of televised golf unless the LPGA sticks to their guns. C'mon ladies please do better than the greedy assholes at the PGA.

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Such LANGUAGE!!! I shall agree from the safe confines of my FAINTING couch!

Lol. Just funnin ya.

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Pink Floyd was right “Money it’s a hit don’t gimme that do goody good bull….”. Since the goal of golf is to have the lowest score why swing at all.

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They're in the high fidelity, first class travelling set and they're gonna need a Lear jet for sure now!

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Can't say I am a huge fan of golf. Now I will not be a watcher or participant of any golf promoted by the PGA. They should be mightily ashamed. They didn't even tell the players whose livelihood is affected. If these players have a shred of decency they will walk out en masse and not play for this new entity.

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They should all start their own tours and competitions.

I am wondering if extortion is involved in this situation. I wouldn’t put it past anyone involved with trump and the saudis. Was someone threatened, or is it just all about money ?

To me this just cheapens the entire situation. It’s just sad.

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I think all participants participate willingly. Its just the money. No other inducement beyond the actual amount needed.

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Thanks, Judd.

Yes, how does this effect the LPGA?

And, will this new commercial entity pay taxes? Or is the PIF a new tax exempt charitable organization?

PS: Don't ask SCOTUS.

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Doesn't the LPGA play a tournament in Saudi Arabia?

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Wait... let me get this straight: LIV isn't pronounced 54? It's pronounced "Live", as in "to live and let live"? You mean, like MBS did to Jamal Khashoggi? Or does to women? Or how he treats his own family?

This is a giant mountain of Bull crap... And it smells all the way down to Hell.

EFFFFF the PGA and anyone who supports them.

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DeeDee D, I agree 100% Am I correct in thinking what you mean to say to the PGA is FUCK the PGA and anyone who supports them? It is ok to say it they are nothing more then money grubbing assholes and totally deserving of the offensive language.

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hahaha... actually, I wasn't clear about the rules re: vulgarity on here. But yes, Fuck them... all of them. I wish them nothing but misery.

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Perhaps Robert is accepting of a bit of vulgarity when it is directed at such vile people.

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Oops, I had just jumped off Robert Hubbell's Sub-stack. Should have been Judd. My bad.

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I was hoping you would cover this explosive story Judd. Thank you. Now follow up with investigations into the money that will now be funneled to the Saudis from the sale of PGA supporting license plates in states like Minnesota where, for a contribution in addition to your annual vehicle registration, you can display license plates with a golf image on your vehicle. Where does the contribution go? To support PGA tournaments. NOW where who will get that contribution? LIV aka the Saudis? I am literally LIVid!! https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/dvs/Pages/dvs-content-detail.aspx?pageID=686&pageTitle=License+Plates+-+Specialized+Plates+-+MN+Golf

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Well, Lib, you can start by boycotting the PGA sponsors: https://www.pgatour.com/marketing-partners

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Do we assume that the PGA will hold the events at the failing Trump golf clubs that the LIV people already paid for? And if so, how many players take those weeks off? Or, does the LIVified PGA threaten to sanction any player who puts principle over fealty to Trump and MbS?

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Yeah, this is totally fucked up. I hope for boycotting. I am done watching the PGA.

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It's boring to watch on TV and far too expensive for mere mortals to attend in person. Not sure who the PGA thinks will be their audience now.

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Long may the PGA’s money grubbing come back to haunt them.

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A link to the PGA sponsors: https://www.pgatour.com/marketing-partners

If the PGA doesn't need their money now, I am going to let them know my thoughts.

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There aren’t enough words to describe how egregious this deal is.

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The Pink Floyd 'Money' lyric in this thread distills what's at play. The European Super League succumbed to public revolt. But this merger feels like it will succeed, maybe in large part b/c golf is a sport without a fiercely loyal middle class and blue collar fan base. Either way, this strikes me as the watershed moment in our current social malaise when the curtain of corporate disdain for societal norms is firmly pulled back and they admit it's just fine to partner with a blatantly terrible person like MBS and a regime like Saudi Arabia. Just two years ago Jay Monahan asked why would those players would participate in "chasing a concept that has no possibility of a return", before then alluding to the anger/sadness of 9/11 families who cannot fathom why Phil Mickelson and his pals would allow themselves to be swayed by Saudi sportswashing money. And now here we are. I personally love to play golf but I've never cared for the country club elite vibe it has. Now I really don't care for it.

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Amen Doug, I am the same kind of golfer.

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