Then there’s DeSantis’ anti-democratic policies. When a judge was voted out because of alt-right bias, DeSantis has elevated him to the Appeals Court. Or democratically elected State Attorney Warren who DeSantis removed.
At the level of local school boards gerrymandering isn't in play, correct? I guess one can get beaten down, but if I were a parent there and disagreed with this fringe woman, I'd try to take collective action with the other "regular" parents to put a stop to this. There have to be some collective actions available if people put their heads together. Or maybe so many parents down there are just getting by with minimum wage jobs they don't have the resources to do anything other than try to make ends meet.
And more importantly, gerrymandering.
Then there’s DeSantis’ anti-democratic policies. When a judge was voted out because of alt-right bias, DeSantis has elevated him to the Appeals Court. Or democratically elected State Attorney Warren who DeSantis removed.
At the level of local school boards gerrymandering isn't in play, correct? I guess one can get beaten down, but if I were a parent there and disagreed with this fringe woman, I'd try to take collective action with the other "regular" parents to put a stop to this. There have to be some collective actions available if people put their heads together. Or maybe so many parents down there are just getting by with minimum wage jobs they don't have the resources to do anything other than try to make ends meet.