I love Liz Chaney's remark and I admire her fortitude in not just serving on, but leading the Jan 6 committee. Her politics are still way to the right of mine, but I'm glad she's there to call out the hypocrisy of the GOP the way it currently is.

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Kevin McCarthy is a cowardly, feckless, disingenuous weasel.

Does that about sum it up?

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McCarthy has Always been completely amoral, as have most repubs for a decade or two. It’s why you got canned.

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As numerous people have pointed out, nobody shows up as a guest of anyone under Secret Service protection without them knowing about it well in advance. Now of course, Dotard Trump might not get that guest list or remember it 5 minutes later, but Fuentes certainly did not just show up as Ye's +1.

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@Frank Lee. I think you're in the wrong forum. Nick Fuentes is a

fascist. And Trump has known him

for quite some time. Kayne West is

a disgrace. And if you want to try

to influence us, post the links to

your FACTS backing up what you're


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Very smart move by Democrats to propose two bills. Labor is watching. BTW keep an eye on Marty Walsh the Secretary of Labor. The Democrats should consider him for national office. VP in 2024

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Wait, isn’t government imposed agreement a form of (gasp) socialism? Seriously, the problem is the railroads are “too big to fail”. Where have we seen this before? 🤔

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It’s almost like Biden’s proposal to oppose sick leave dared Rs to agree with him. Oh the horror. Now, three Rs who overwhelmingly oppose his policies indicate they are considering it? Amazing. Or, does he honestly believe the rail workers are being unreasonable?

Maybe it’s out there and I’ve missed it, but why specifically do the rail companies oppose in what the unions are proposing? I’m sure greed is involved somewhere, but what are the point/counter point arguments? Is it particular language, and if so, what?

I’ve been curious about how the airlines have solved this issue. Like some rail workers, flight attendants and pilots frequently travel from home for days and I’m sure they sometimes get sick while on the road, likely sometimes due to passengers flying while sick. Likewise, what about Greyhound and cross-country drivers?

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Judd, a question about rail workers paid time off (known as PTO in the civil sector): Can any of those 21 days of paid leave be used for sick time off?

When I was CEO of several nonprofits in my career, we moved from a combination 2 wks vacation / 1 wk sick leave to 3 wks of PTO. This change was made to stop the abuse of sick leave when not ill and to stop putting management on the spot to "approve" fake sick leave. Three weeks of PTO -- which I believe is the current case with the rails -- has been the standard for many years, in my experience.

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Yes, Liz, he is willing to be completely amoral. The party he represents (your party by the way) is most dramatically supported by the largest and richest corporations who have amply demonstrated that they do not care about the well-being of the huge great majority of our citizens, but that their profits are the equivalent of health and survival to them. This predicament is not one of practicality versus welfare, but of MONEY EQUALS POWER. They seem unaware that we are all impacted by those who are literally suffering and struggling for survival.

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The answer to Cheney's question: YES!

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Here Frank read this and quit clamoring for attention. Maybe it will do you some good.


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Thanks for the followup Judd. Will common sense prevail? Will paid sick leave become a right not a privilege? Is president Biden trolling the republicans? Who will WIN the contest? Looks like Biden has got an edge!

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I got a KKK Robert Byrd love history with Joe Biden and Hilary Clinton, and another modern love fest with many prominent Democrats and Louis Farrakhan. So spare me the Trump Nick Fuentes shaming. Sure two wrongs don’t make a right, but the breathless political media chattering class hypocrisy over a Trump dinner with a 24 year old bigot compared to long term Democrat association with life-time spewers of racism and hate… well it is so not right it can be ignored. There is much more antisemitism in the Democrat hive.

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In answer to Liz Cheney’s question, yes. A leopard doesn’t change its spots.

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Dear Judd,

I am taking exception to your response about paid sick leave for railroad employees. You act as if this is a right due to employees and you are calculating what it would cost the railroads to provide this benefit(right now only 4 days are being asked for but that is just to get their foot in the door-next contract it will be eight days and escalating with each and every contract.). Why are you not calculating what it would cost for each employee to set aside a part of THEIR pay-each pay period to provide them with some income if the have to be out sick.? Managing one's health is a private endeavor and should be treated as such. The problem is that people do not want to manage their health and they want their employer to pay for that. People do not want to be told what they have to do, but they do not want to pay for the consequences. I am not saying that all medical issues are preventable, what I am saying is that we are doing nothing by offering sick days other than encouraging people not to manage their health. I have seen both sides-employees who do manage their health and rarely take a sick day feel cheated when they do not use the sick days allotted and that group who takes a "mental health day" every time they earn a sick day complains that they do not have enough sick days. What employers can do is educate their employees about how to manage their health and look for solutions that the employee can invest in to cover times of illness. Those employee who choose not to manage their health or to invest in some kind of disability insurance are not going to have any safety net and that is their problem. As a responsible employee, I for one am tired of paying for people who do not or will not be responsible for their own safety net. Stop calculating what you think the employer can pay and start focusing on what it would take for the employee to manage this themselves. The employer has no place in this picture.

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