I would like to see more stories highlighting the dangerous rise of Oligarchy in the country. The culture wars are a distraction fueled by the Oligarchs.

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Additionally, it would be helpful if there was a basic history lesson for those who are unaware of what an oligarchy looked like in the past, and also how they come to pass. Understanding the history of the thing makes it more tangible and can help us in fighting the continuance of it by changing our purchasing behaviors -- since we contribute to this by what we buy.

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The American oligarchy may have actually passed its peak. Notice how oligarchs like Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Disney (owner of ABC News) are starting to pay tribute to Trump. The oligarchy gives way to the autocrat.

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Not that the oligarchy won’t still extract wealth from us masses, but they will have to bend a knee to the whims of their orange overlord.

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How do we hold news (or infotainment) programs accountable for telling the truth? It seems to me the major problems we are facing are an outgrowth of the lies and distortions exuding from the right-wing media, including podcasters and certainly Faux News.

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We can't:

You'd need a media oversight commission with teeth. You can probably imagine better than I can articulate where that would go.


1) We don't teach civics or critical thinking, so many don't understand how government (and economics) works. The Republican party believes "Ignorance is Strength," and judging from the last election, they are correct.

2) Again, judging from the last election, the electorate would rather blame and hate each other than work together towards solutions.

3) This is a digression, but we got here because Dems and Biden ASSUMED folks would notice their accomplishments. They spent too much time fixing things and not enough time yelling "Look what I just did FOR YOU!!!!!"

We are in very deep {expletive deleted}.

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You make excellent points!

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do do-- we are in deep do do -- finished it for you LOL

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Two really great news sources are Democracy Now and Drop Site News.

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If the majority of MAGA people consume a daily dose of Faux News and never view the more legitimate sites, we still have the same problem. It's not simply the existence of truthful sites, it's the market share commanded by the "alternate facts" sites that is the source of the problem, I believe.

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There's no way to counter the disinformation...it's spread widely through coordinated campaigns of Fox, influences, podcasters, MAGA politicians, and soon...the Federal government.

Half of Russia believes their family and neighbors in Ukraine are nazis and NATO expansion caused the war.

The bulk of Israelis believe Netanyahu's propaganda about the necessity of carpet bombing schools and hospitals.

People eventually wake up, but only after massive economic and societal collapse.

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The only solution is smashing capitalism, but we all know that ain’t gonna happen…

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That's absurd. Sweeping systemic change always fails or causes tragic destruction (communism, anarchy, fascism, and so on). Revolution is sometimes warranted (to assert democracy over monarchy or fascism, for example). There is no pure capitalism just as there is no pure socialism. Both are required. Socialism is capitalism controlled and managed for the common good, and vice versa. And the common good depends on actual democratic sovereignty. That ideal, first glimpsed under FDR, has now been pushed aside and will not reassert itself for decades, if we're lucky. The common definition of socialism, equated with communism, must be discarded. Similarly, the concept that we can do away with capital (value) and 'capitalism' in human affairs ain't gonna happen, nor should it.

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Democrats - and anyone who values the truth more than rumors - need to develop more modern approaches to communication by more often using podcasts and other means. They also have to stop sounding professorial and start using simpler language to avoid sounding like the elites, even if that's who they really are.

One tactic that is overlooked is to troll their sources with undeniable countervailing news. Post videos on Fox News FB pages, for example, showing Trump and his allies saying things that the network never admits to but are highly unpopular.

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This idea that Democrats are elitists who look down on the working class is a lie. Stop believing it. Read Robert Hubbell's newsletter today:


Also included is reference to a letter to the DNC Chair urging them to "Present a clear plan for strengthening Democratic branding, messaging, and fundraising by appointing a task force of Democrats with proven talents in media/messaging, and allocating a serious budget to build a media strategy that reflects the current media landscape with an aim towards developing a counterweight to the world of rightwing media."

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I've been wondering about this, especially after reading *The Death of Expertise*. Is the problem that some of us sound "professorial," or is the problem that somehow the populace has become intolerant of knowledge?

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intolerant of knowledge that does not confirm their in-group bias.

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I have the same question.

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Disinformation definitely affected this election. I was phone banking for Kamala and others in NC, PA, OH, and NV, and many democrats and independents were swallowing fake news stories about immigration, trans child surgeries, and FEMA whole.

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Mainstream Media will do WHATEVER it takes to make money. They are USELESS! Right-wing hate media is fueled by the Oligarchs and Russian Disinformation operations in order to promote culture wars to distract people from the real threat. Fascism and Oligarchy. You have to search for the Truth. Substack is a good place to start.

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Read from sources outside the U.S., such as Guardian UK, to get a more balanced view of things.

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It's not the people on this list I'm worried about; we are likely among the minority that does consume information from outside sources. I don't think I can force MAGA people to consume news from other viewpoints. Can you?

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Government of the money, by the money, and for the money. Thank you for being here, Judd.

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Yes. Follow the money

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I know more women are bleeding out and dying horrific deaths than being reported. Keeping women's bodily autonomy front and center is paramount to me. I would greatly benefit from a bullet point list of the graft both ongoing and before us with the Trump administration. It's a challenge to keep up. I imagine carrying a notebook to refer to.

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"Abortion, Every Day" is an excellent newsletter that tracks underreported stories, legislation re bodily autonomy, anti-abortion group plans, resources to experts, etc.

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as is rewire news group

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I would like to know what we can do to resist. Something concrete besides giving money to independent news or the ACLU. We can’t just sit by and witness the rape and pillage of our country.

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Subscribe to chop wood carry water

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I just need a quote or example or a little more hook about these.


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"Run For Something" recruits and trains young progressives to run for state and local offices.

"The States Project" does the same for state legislative seats.

Any meaningful resistance will be built bottom-up, with new voices and populist ideas.

These groups need financial support and volunteers to run and staff campaigns.

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Adding my two cents here. Bottom up is the best way to affect change. MSM will continue with their both siding, horse race approach to covering stories. Stick with local impact and let that bubble up. It’ll take time as do all things worthwhile. Ignore the banter at the national level. Lastly if I may, I highly recommend reading “Wrestling with Moses” how Jane Jacobs took on Robert Moses. Successful local activism at its finest.

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Sound advice. What we DO have (I hope): little, local pockets of democracy.

Now, my city just had a runoff for a city council seat and a school board seat. Only 3% of eligible voters showed up. Three. Percent. The winner of the city council seat won by about 250 votes. Both candidates were decent. I ended up voting for the one who won on the recommendation of my neighbor and because a canvasser dropped by that very day. Those 250 votes were won that way. Day-of efforts.

How in the world do we GOTV when people seem to not give a damn about democracy?

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Run for Something is amazing - highly recommend. I volunteered for a while interviewing potential candidates. Amazing people working for change.

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I agree. Keep reporting on the news, emphasizing truth and impact, but also on actions we can take to affect change. Hand wringing isn’t doing it for me. Appreciate all you do!

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"Hand wringing isn’t doing it for me.'

Damn right and it never will!!!

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I don't know where you live, I live in Annapolis, Maryland (Hi Judd!) but there have to be groups you can become involved with that are all about saving our freedoms and helping the vulnerable. They will need us more than ever.

Support local news organizations that get it right. In Baltimore we have the Baltimore Banner which is in direct competition and growing against the Baltimore Sun which was bought by David D. Smith of the very conservative Sinclair Broadcast Group

Join your local Democratic Club and help elect Democrats. 2026 is not that far away. campaigns will be starting. Maryland has some of the best clubs and we get it done!

Find out what non profits are working with the vulnerable and go help out. I just started as an accompaniment volunteer where another volunteer and I will take a client to see a lawyer or to a court hearing. This gives them transportation, peace of mind and love.

Join a local group with national support, i.e. Moms Demand Action/Everytown for Gun Safety. My state group holds an advocacy day at our state legislature where hundreds of us show up (which is half the battle, just show up!) and meet with our representatives and urge them to vote for gun safety measures....Maryland has some of the strongest laws in the country.

I live in Annapolis MD where we love parades - one of the best and largest is our Gay Pride Parade and Festival in June. It's an all-day extravaganza. Everyone should come!

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We desperately need joirnalists to expose who is paying off each of our members of Congress. Both parties, both houses.

Also WHY don't news orgs care that we now have 3 Senators who aren't from the states they represent? Senate seats just bought by carpetbaggers.

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When I was a child, in elementary school, we read and re-read a story about the "Pied Piper" leading children off to their own destruction. In fact, this story made me leery about "leaders" handing out poison.

However, apparently that story is not taught in the Christian Private Schools where a large fraction of Trump's voters were educated.

Instead, those "academies", many of which now receive state and federal funding, teach submission, adulation and exaltation to and of the Pied Piper.

So, the Pied Piper will lead them all to their own destruction, and sadly, to mine.

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From birth, Mormons and Evangelicals are taught submission to males in general and to those males in authority, in particular.

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The abandonment of science. RFK is a symptom but so is the crusade agai st Fauci but underlying it all is the it's really aliens lizard people etc. that is causing any ill the world is suffering. The lack of belief in scientific principles in the incoming administration will harm our health and our technology.

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I appreciate your work Judd. I no longer watch local or national news. I no longer log into cnn or msnbc. I unfollowed all who talk politics. I'm pretty much over it. Your information is the only one I will read.

Our society is in trouble. I just have not figured out how to fight for it.

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Harry Litman's Talking Feds, Heather Cox Richardson, Timothy Snyder, and Aaron Rupar all have substacks well worth reading.

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Maybe we start treating republicans like united healthcare CEOs and they’ll wake up and realize we have the power.

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I hear what your saying Mr. Rollings it would/will definitely get their attention however violence is not the answer either. As we see UHC has not rolled back on any of their harming policies.

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First I’m not a mister, second it sure put fear in these CEOs and we haven’t seen what the outcome will be yet.

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expose how elected officials are voting.

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Hi Judd,

In my state, there is a concerted effort to slash the budget of the state Library Commission, to pacify the book banners, who have tried unsuccessfully to pass a law that would allow librarians and teachers to be arrested for making "inappropraite" books available. They couldn't get that law, so now they want to cripple the Library Commission. Meanwhile, school libraries are closing at a fast clip and new schools are being built without libraries. I live in West Virginia. Is this happening in other states? I suspect our legislators are taking their game plan from some national organization. When you combine that with a funding situation that takes money from the public schools and gives it to private schools, we are headed in a very bad direction..

I value Popular Information and hope you might take up this subject. Kate Long

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Private school vouchers is a big deal in our state. Private schools are building big beautiful schools & public schools are starving. Wisconsin.😢

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I also wonder, are kids in schools actually reading books? I wonder how many kids use school libraries. I am a huge fan of libraries and access to books, but given the common addiction to social media in our youth (also part of the problem -- read Haidt's excellent book *The Anxious Generation*) perhaps our focus should be elsewhere?

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An excellent recent article from the Illinois Library Association addresses that question. Among other statistics they cite: 67% of children, ages 6-17, read books from libraries, especially children from low-income families. I would add, especially rural families. The author wrote, "I can’t understand why we are still discussing whether schools need libraries, despite all the available research on this subject, but here we are." Here's the cite for that article: https://www.ila.org/publications/ila-reporter/article/188/my-turn-yes-school-libraries-still-exist-but-to-keep-them-is-going-to-require-yo#:~:text=67%25%20of%20children%20ages%206,lost%20libraries%20and%2For%20librarians.

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It really feels like 1933 Germany. Although the primary scapegoats this round seem to be trans people rather than Jews. It feels the same, with the first steps being artificially amplified hate speech and the first nibbling away at their rights through legislation and the courts. I think an overall tracking of everything that is being done to curtail their rights would be helpful for readers to see how this is a planned, methodical attack against them.

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the tRUMPuppets are blaming the Immigrants for America's problems too.

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1. Trump assassination attempt. No medical report and weak investigation. Republicans reps didn’t show up?

2. Why so few recounts in such a close presidential race?

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When Trump commented on his ear injury, he didn't even know what part of his ear to say was injured. He stated something like 'I think it was, I don't know, the lobe they call it'. Odd, when the funny looking bandage on his ear was covering the hallix of his ear! Besides, what idiot does NOT know what the ear LOBE is? How could he not know what part of his ear was injured?? How could he have seem prepared to yell, "Fight, fight, fight!" if he was truly injured in a shooting?

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Indeed. Just a few short months ago "election integrity" was all the rage.

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Hi Judd

1) Regarding Russia's invasion of The Ukraine, please track any and all Trump decisions that result in throwing Putin a lifeline.

2) Please expose and detail the following stock market price manipulation tactics and its effects on us: Dark Pool, stock buyback, government-industry leadership revolving door.

Thank you.

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The Democratic Party needs a major overhaul. Leadership are trying to thread some imaginary needle where they are "progressive" without alienating mega-donors. That's not working.

There are super-majorities for many progressive policies that never are enacted such as regulating big money in politics, ending gerrymandering, taming Wall Street, taxing the rich, Medicare for all, environmental protection, and expanding Social Security benefits. But these popular policies are blocked in Congress.

The 2024 election shows very clearly that promoting economic equality must be the bedrock principle of any successful political movement. Reforming democracy and other popular causes have lower attractive power compared with pocketbook issues. Trump and the Republicans were able to convince enough people that their economic interests would benefit from another Trump administration. Trump received about 3 million more votes in 2024 than in 2020 while Harris received 6.4 million fewer than Biden did in 2020.

While in office, Democrats took some important steps toward enforcing antitrust laws, reducing the power of big business to raise prices, and promoting labor unions. They also made a few favorable -- albeit tepid -- policy statements during the campaign. But they did not inform or inspire the electorate. What explains Biden’s and Harris’s silence on their own accomplishments on behalf of the working class? Was it lack of interest or an attempt to endear themselves to big donors?

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David Hogg is running for a seat in the DNC!

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I donated yesterday. If you haven’t look him up. He is a brilliant young man. We need new young voices like his in the Democratic Party.

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Follow Simon Rosenberg/Hopium for that. And Ben Wikler.

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The "resistance" and the Democratic Party must embrace ECONOMIC JUSTICE. There will be no addressing the Climate Catastrophe or Women's Reproductive Freedom or Social Justice for Everyone - unless....we regain and repossess our historic connection to POPULISM.

Senator Murphy (CT) understands that the party MUST pitch some realistic solutions to the financial dilemmas facing average working class families.

Housing is unaffordable.

Child care where available is too expensive to consider.

Elder care to keep folks in their homes could save billions.

Insurance premiums of all types are skyrocketing.

Everything is costing more and Democrats are still talking about how good the economy is!

Why do working class people vote for the con that "Republicans are better for the economy"?

It is a lie. We need to tell the truth and provide some answers. Some solutions to help.

Read about Senator Murphy here:


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