So, not only an obvious case of insider trading (wonder how much administration people, let alone the Trump family, made on this scheme) but the deal is to manufacture ingredients for a drug that has been shown not to work on the virus.

Grift all around.

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So much corruption, so few hours to write about it all. Besides investigating Kodak CEO and other execs for insider trading, I suggest that we review all stock trades by every member of Congress and their staff to see if/who invested in Kodak. The investigation should also include all Cabinet members and White House Staff. And let's not forget all members of the Trump family. It wasn't all that long ago that Republicans were complaining about President Obama picking the winners and losers instead of allowing the free market to do its job. As with so much Republican dogma, guess this is only relevant when a Democrat is president. This deal needs much, much more inspection.

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Just when you think we're done with hydroxychloroquine...

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What happened to the government not picking winners and losers? How is it appropriate for taxpayers to serve as venture capital to launch a new business for Kodak? What expertise do they have? Why not use the DPA to support an existing drug manufacturing facility? This stinks in more ways than just the insider trading that plainly seems to have happened

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Textbook insider trading, but since we don't rely on science or laws any more, mazel tov to the new rich folks at Kodak!

Also, let us pause, once again on the with witch hunt doctor who said, "the uterine disorder endometriosis is caused by sex with demons that takes place in dreams."

Maybe in her dreams...

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Insider trading. Trump has connections to Hydroxyc and betcha he is buds with Kodak Executives.

Thank you for a high beam on this blatant but typical way of making mockery of rules and regulations by this administration.

It also turns focus from a raging surge in Corona Virus cases and deaths here in the US. Let's pretend it isn't happening and look at this marvel of a medicine to be produced here in America.

Today the stupes on FB are circulating am April 2 NY Post article about the drug. It supports there narrative that social media should not have taken down the video of Immanuel and that crew of snake oil doctors. Demon sperm actually made it in to the WaPo.

2020 never ceases to confound and amaze.

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The Solyndra look only matters if a dem is in the White House. (NB: nothing wrong with Solyndra investment. Some startups fail. There was no evidence of corruption behind the investment, unlike here.)

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This is exactly the sh*t that runs me nucking futs and that this rotten bunch blatantly does it and walks is beyond corrupt. IF Democrats can manage to drive this scum from all controlling positions of what will be left of what was once our government, there had damn well better be an extended perp walk of all offenders, great and small. I’m of the belief that because there wasn’t any sign of one after the 2007-08 financial disaster, especially after the US taxpayers had been hit holding the buyout bag, the rise of the Tea Party gave voice to a small, but well-funded group, that ended up overwhelming the saner voices of the outraged center.

But this is just one instance of the rot, the grift, the hate, the division that this so-called administration has pulled along with it. The Augean Stables that trump and Co will leave behind(hopefully)will require several Herculean generations to scour the bilge from the marble halls of Washington. November 3 will tell the tale as to whether or not we are up for the challenge.

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I would enjoy watching an extended perp walk. There’s bound to be enough of them that one could plan some vacation time just to see one live. That’s assuming one can leave the house and travel without wearing a hazmat suit.

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George Eastman is spinning in his grave. First, Kodak couldn’t successfully transition to a technology it developed and now it’s going to make a chemical that’s useless against COVID-19. Plus, the CEO and other officers seem to be guilty of insider trading. Meanwhile, people like my Mom lost their survivors benefits during one of Kodak’s reorganizations.

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