Again, fantastic research and reporting from you. If only corporate media would move their newsrooms out of the advertising department, more Americans would learn the truth.

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Jack, almost all media conglomerates are owned by right wingers. This monopoly must end. And we must put in place or strengthen laws that close down news corps that intentionally lie and create dangerous violent results. (This law already exists for radio but not tv, as I understand it).

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Yes! They (RW'z) always complain about the "left leaning media." BS!!! And as far as the rest of your comment goes... agreed!

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The "liberal media bias" has always been "ref baiting", on top of the fact that the corporate media is already leaning right.

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Exactly, plus one must consider that one function of the media is to hold government to account. This automatically puts it in "left-leaning" territory. In addition, who reports, "Joe Biden signed Bill X today. Go read the bill to find out what it's about."

No, most people need context, meaning, or synopsis. Or we can all go to an Ivy League law school to figure it out. As a compromise, we need writers and orators to analyze and report not only the hard facts, but some meaning or context. People that do this well tend to be more creative and likely more liberal.

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Fact based democratic stories need a whole lot bigger platform. Democrats and their supporters have been speaking the truth, but the message keeps getting drowned out by the consistent flow of disinformation that has billions of dollars behind it.

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Exactly. Lie after damned lie.

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This is fully untrue I really hate when people don't do research and just start typing. Disney - would you call Disney right wing? They own 45% of what you see - do your homework!

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They are corporate media. They’ll pretend to support liberal causes when it hits their bottom line. CNN, ABC,CBS,NBC, Fox, (Sinclair Bros -own 294 TV stations!) ALL ULTRA conservative. Disney owns ABC.

So quit being the person you hate who just types without knowing a damn thing.

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It's a valid point.

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Disney is absolutely right wing. Do your research!

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Ok I guess as a former executive of Disney, Honda, AT&T and my own company I don't have as much info as you - you know everything and you're right about everything - I truly hope this makes you happy as you don't want to open your mind.

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Unfortunately it’s rich dudes who want to get richer that own the newspapers. Pretty sure they have their own agenda to get out to the public, which sometimes involves the truth and many times involves clickbait and/or their own spin.

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Should be media rather than newspapers

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This is FULLY the responsibility of the American voters - not the news they are only reporting on what people want to see how can you blame them? Unless and until the American people get off their butts and learn WHAT THEIR REPS VOTE FOR AND STAND FOR AND WHO THE TAKE MONEY FROM nothing is going to change and bashing each other won't work

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More BS from you Davene. You think news is reporting “on what people want to see” is journalism? The reason there are so many MAGAs out there is that Fox News, Oan, CBS, NBS, ABC etc either put direct lies out or don’t challenge what the right wing lunatics say.

Do you watch Fox News? It sounds like you do.

It’s been 30 years since a republican won the popular vote! Do you understand what that means?

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It means the the Electoral College doesn't work anymore for the size of the country. It worked Ok when the population was lower. Anything else you want to know. Here we have another example of the prototypical disillusioned, terrified american who does NOT want to take responsibility for their life or their choices. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE CHOOSE WHO IS IN CONGRESS AND THE WHITE HOUSE. It is the responsibility of the American people - everything that is happening on both sides is all the responsibility of THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! NO ONE ELSE! The American people are fat, lazy, stupid and don't want to be inconvenienced. Stop blaming everything on politics and politicians and get of your keyboard and help someone! STOP FIGHTING ME AND START FIGHTING THEM. If you even know who your reps are. Do some good. How about you rant for #termlimits - I have lots of ideas how you can help and get off your keyboard. Try to make the world a better place instead of just judging everything and everyone. Thinking is Difficult, That's Why Most People Judge - try thinking. And since we are judging I bet I can guess what you watch...

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RE: "American people are fat, lazy, stupid and don't want to be inconvenienced." True of 80% of ALL PPL, NOT ONLY AMERICANS.

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Davene, you are clearly unhinged, you should get back on your meds and stick to facts, not the things you are spoon fed and too lazy to fact check.

Why don’t you take your own advice and stay off the keyboard or troll where people are as misinformed as you.

Your comments about the electoral college is completely off base.

“Stop blaming politics on politicians”

Congratulations on the dumbest comment award.

(You’re giving your previous i.d. away)

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I agree; but the fact that a handful of right wing companies control a monopoly of television, radio and the few newspapers that are left. These monopolies control what information voters receive. It’s like computer code- garbage in - garbage out.

We all need to communicate with fence sitting voters. Several organizations have started campaigns of letter and postcard writing to inactive voters.

We can also share newsletters like this one to people we know who need more information.

Everyone has to get involved so that perhaps we can get the fairness doctrine (that Reagan killed) back in place. 🤞

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There are approximately 22 people who make all the decisions about what 350+ Americans see on national media.

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Leave us not forget that this is the second time Dan Kelly has been rejected by Wisconsin voters. He was appointed by Scott Walker to fill and unexpired term and then got kicked out of office in 2020 when he lost to Jill Karofsky, another progressive woman. Perhaps the Wisconsin Republican Party could learn a lesson - don't run a mediocre white MAGA against a progressive woman, it's a recipe for failure.

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You are correct liberals backed Kelly financially, as they did Kari Lake and a bunch of others, knowing he would lose - no mystery here.

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Protasiewicz's win is a relief. Glad to see people show up to the polls in Wisconsin for such an important reason.

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Don't forget about gerrymandering - that was the biggest issue for me.

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Judd, I truly enjoyed reading this report from you today. The Protasiewicz win was a major win! I’m not sure many people realize just how important. I don’t live in Wisconsin, but I was jumping up & down when I heard she won…and it wasn’t close! The people of Wisconsin have been cheated out too many times. I’m so happy for them.

I live in Chicago where we got our Progressive candidate for mayor! Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson. It was such a huge relief & also a major win for the direction of Chicago.

Women of every stripe need abortion access and I think the dominos have been set in motion to finally expose the truth about trump & the entire republican cult.

Apparently, media will not learn. They continue to feed trump’s ego. Everyone..please write to the tv stations you watch to complain!

Two more points to be proud of; young students will not vote for NRA backed republican cult! They ARE protesting vigorously! And in NYC people came with whistles to drown out lunatic MTG! I could hug them all! Good week everyone.

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Be careful about celebrating. In Wisconsin the Republicans also just won an election to give them a Super Majority in the Wisconsin legislature. And they are talking about that they may Impeach Protasiewicz and prevent her from even serving. And then guess who they will put on the Supreme Court. They also have a veto proof majority over Governor Evers. These are very dangerous times for democracy in America where even elections are not what they appear. Republicans play the long game and they are very good at it. Democrats are not so good at looking ahead and working long term.

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I worry about this, too.

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I spoke to this yesterday on a remark. My relatives there are fearing it will happen and she will never serve a day. Let the voter be damned is part of the minority rule agenda.

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So happy about the Wisconsin win. But what can anyone tell us about the Republican win for the state house which now gives the GOP a veto proof ability to impeach or remove anyone they want - perhaps even the newly elected Supreme Court judge?

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Janets are always sensible!

And excellent reporting on the nuances of the indictment.

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Good news in Chicago, too!

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I almost cried with relief!

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You seem to have forgotten calling me a MAGA chud two days ago.

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Agreed - great reporting. However, I'm concerned that in all the enthusiasm about the WI Supreme Court results the fact that the GOP won a super-majority in the state house is being overlooked. That seems a pretty big issue.

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It likely is and I am sad about that.

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Great piece! It clearly explains the major issues for Wisconsin voters, who some of the groups were who paid for ads, and some of the strategies the two candidates used.

Popular Information’s description and explanation of Trump’s indictment is clear and reminds us that this is not trivial. Kim Wehle and Ben Wittes in the Bulwark also gave good explanations of the charges and where they are in the process.

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Not a lawyer so not sure of the law but doesn't the fact that they met together BEFORE there were stories to set up a strategy of paying these people off change the offense?

I thought premeditation made it worse.

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That’s the conspiracy to hide damaging information about Tiny in order to influence the election. Included Pecker and Cohen as uncharged coconspirators, Pecker falsifying business records for the McDougal payment, the Mexican Maid child out of wedlock story from the doorman and Stormys payment

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I have to agree with others that this was another informative newsletter. Like some others, I also worry about the Republican majority attempting to impeach the incoming Justice. Yet an impeachment, like any other indictment, has to name a crime. I am not sure that holding a different ideology from some congresspeople is a constitutionally listed offense in WI that prevents someone from taking office and I'm hopeful this impeachment isn't even attempted.

One more thing, how do three sheriffs who take oaths to uphold the law, support a candidate that actively worked under fraudulent pretenses to overturn an election, as someone who upholds the rule of law? If three county sheriffs support a fascist for their State Supreme Court, a man who would bend or break the law to install an unelected authoritarian as President, it seems like the good people of Wisconsin need to look at who they elect to run their sheriff departments next.

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The GOP said that Judge Protasiewicz had “failed.” They weren’t specific about the failure. You can’t make this stuff up.

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I don’t thing they’ll stop with her. I’m sure they have a hit list of state officials that need purging.

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Failed to do what? Nod like a bobblehead to all of their positions? This GQP crowd is incredible.

The same party that whines about cancellation by the public in response to their unwelcome views, also uses manipulation of procedural rules and novel interpretation of laws to undo the will of voters and suppress the voice of their votes. Sadly, I have to agree with you that the good incoming Justice isn't the last target of their ideological purge. Too bad we don't have a SCOTUS that isn't being lobbied **cough-cough*Justice Thomas and his wife*cough-cough** that interprets the Constitution to allow parties to win seats fairly, based on the appeal of their platform to voters.

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They weren’t specific about her “failures” but I doubt they rise to the level of “high crimes and misdemeanors” needed for impeachment in most states. The real threat here is the GOP’s total disregard for the will of the people. They wanted to overturn a presidential election, and now they’re finding unique ways to eliminate any opposition, i.e., Tennessee! It’s a sad state of affairs. It they succeed, election results won’t matter especially if they’re willing to set aside the results of a non-partisan judicial election where the victor won by a landslide.

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Kelly’s sore loser ranting about Janet lying about him is pure projection as usual from these fascists but God help WI if the Rethuglican majority impeaches her based on these lies and installs the evil git instead

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Gerrymandering is 'The One Ring, that in the darkness binds them'. It is the means by which all their mischief and maladministration can be conducted.

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Hi Judd…found it interesting that you closed with Mario Renatti because yesterday he wrote a pretty damning article about the indictment and statement of facts.

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Hey Andy, why don't you go to one of the right-wing nut job sites and spout off there? You’re not really making any headway here because we don’t buy into your ignorance.

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

Respectfully JaBier and for anyone else: Perhaps I wasn’t clear…I am not criticizing Judd in any way. I fully support what he is saying. I was pointing out that Renatti actually criticized the case strongly. I disagree with Renatti. We’re in this together.

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